Master Index

AM — Aesthetics of Music
PC — Psychology of Conducting
Aesthetics          Whitwell definition            AM, I19ff
Aesthetics          Will Durant                    AM, I1
Art Music           Defined                         AM, I52ff
Beethoven           Meyerowitz on form               AM, I29
Bicameral brain     Right and left brain                 AM, I47ff
Brendel, Alfred     On emotion in performance          AM, I37
Conducting          Role                              AM, I39ff
Conducting          Score study                       AM, I39ff
Croce, Benedetto    On Michaelangelo                     AM, I5
Croce, Benedetto    On emotion                           AM, I10ff
Davison, Arch.      On educational music               AM, I27
Durant, Will        On Aesthetics                    AM, I1
Emotion in Music    Benedetto Croce                       AM, I10ff, 46
Emotion in Music    In performance                        AM, I36ff
Koussevitzky        Artistic worth in performance     AM, I36
Leonardo da Vinci“The Last Supper”                AM, I5
Listener of Music   Various quotes                       AM, I42ff
Liszt, Franz        Artistic worth in performance    AM, I35
Lully, Jean-Baptiste ,            His death                   PC17
Mahler, GustavOn the important things       PC15
McLuhan, MarshallOn phonetic writing               AM, I30
Melos               Wagner                       AM, I32ff
Meyerowitz, Jan     On Beethoven’s form                  AM, I29
Mozart              Health last week              PC16
Mozart              Wife’s disposal of scores     AM, I 21
Mozart, Constanze         On Mozart’s death                AM, I21
Schumann, RobertOn bad compositions                  AM, I27
Wagner, Richard     On miliary band conductors     PC13
Wagner, Richard     On Melos                       AM, I32ff
Wagner, Richard     On emotion in performance      AM, I36
Wagner, Richad      His famous Credo                     AM, I28
Wagner, Richard     On conductor’s role                   AM, I31, 38
Whitwell            Aesthetics in Music defined        AM, I19ff
Emotion in PerformBrendel, AlfredAM, I37
Emoion in P:erform.Wagner                       AM, I36
Military MusicWagner on military conductorsPC13
Sendrey, Alfredbest writer on ancient societiesAM, I61ff
Art Music           Sumeria, 2600 BCAM, I62ff
Art Music           Insruments in Daniel 3:5 and 3:15AM, I66
Music EducationPersia 600-330 BCAM, I 68
Mujsic in SocietyPersia 600-300 BCAM, I68ff
StraboMusic in ancient SocietiesAM, I69, 76
Kastner, GeorgesTrumpet music in Ancient PersiaAM, I69
AthenacusMusic in ancient PersiaAM, I69
Sendrey, AlfredMusic of ancient EgyptAM, I73ff
Manniche, LisaMusic in ancient EgyptAM, I75ff
Sendrey, AlfredAncient Hebrew MusicAM, I85ff
Music EducationOld TestamentAM, I87ff
Old TestamentOn musicAM, I85-99
Wagner, Richard     One pop work ruins concertPC19
Liszt, Franz        One pop work ruins concertPC19
Walter BrunoOn performing bad musicPC20
Listner of MusicWagner on playing for publicPC21
Music EducationOn learning from the repertoirePC22
Music in SocietyMozart and HaydnPC24
Schumann, RobertOn ViennaPC25
Hindsley, MarkOn football musicPC26
Revelli, William D.On football musicPC26
Music EducationOn poor Training in stylePC28
MozartHis rehearsal score for FigaroPC30
Conducting          Famous Sufi parablePC30
Military MusicOn short scoresPC30, fn. 2
Bicameral brain     On students in rehearsalPC33ff
Oakland, LloydDistinguished music educatorPC39
ConductingOrmandy on rehearsal theoryPC39
Emotion in Music    Whose emotions are they?PC41
Giulini, Carlo MariaOn the role of the conductorPC42
Conducting          Giulini on the role of the conducorPC42
Jesus ChristOn importance of dancePC45
Dalcroze, EmileOn movementPC45
NotationGaffurio, d. 1518 on unwriten musicPC46
Gaffurio, Fr. d. 1518“Sounds which cannot be written”PC46
Frescobaldi, 1615Freedom in performancePC46
MovementFreedom in performancePC47
Bonachelli. 1642Freedom in performancePC47
MovementProblems with notationPC47
Mattheson, d. 1764Meaning of Italian tempo marksPC47
MovementMeaning of AdagioPC47
Beethoven           “Feeling has its own tempo”PC48
Mozart, LeopoldOn Italian tempo markingsPC48
Bach, J. S.Resolves a chord left hangingPC51, fn.17
Emotion in Music    Beethoven, an F# for “pain”PC59
Listener of Music   Liszt, tells Chopin “play for Art”PC61
Liszr, FranzLetter to Chopin on publicPC61
Chopin, FredericLetter from Liszt on publicPC61
AthenacusBirds were origin of MusicAM, I103
HerodotusOn origins of ancient Greek musicAM, I103
TritonInvention of the trumpetAM, I103
TrumpetMyth of its inventionAM, I103
GreeceMusic of ancient GreeceAM, I103-341
StraboImportance of mythsAM. I104
ModesOriginal Greek modesAM, I104
AristoxenusOn “tonos,” student of AristotleAM, I194
Alexander the GreatReacts to performanceAM, I104
Eresus, 372-287 BCMusic therapyAM, I105
ModesPhrygian in music therapyAM, I105
AristotleOn music theoryAM, I106
AthenacusMagadis, ancient string instrumentAM, I106
PlutarchRhythm in melody, 400 BCAM, I106
AthenacusRhythm in melody, 800 BCAM, I106
PlutarchAncient choral festivalsAM, I107
PlutarchEarly Greek music educationAM, I107ff
Music EducationPlutarch on early GreekAM, I107
PlatoEarly Greek modesAM, I104
StraboGreek music ed. re CharacterAM, I108
Military MusicEarly Greek “pyrrhiche” danceAM, I108
SocratesRole of dance in militaryAM, I108
Military MusicSocrates on role of danceAM, I108
Alexander the GreatWas musicianAM, I109
Music and CharacterPlutarch on ancient oboistAM, I109
OboeIsmenias, ancient Greek piperAM, I109
Music and CharacterStrabo, in Ancient GreeceAM, i109
PlutarchMusic education and Greek noblesAM, I109
Music EducationAmong Greek noblesAM, I109
PercujssionIn ancient GreeceAM, I110
StraboPercussion in ancient GreeceAM, I110
Trumpet“Salpinx” in ancien GreeceAM, I110
Kastner, GeorgesTrumpet music in Ancient GreeceAM, I111
Military MusicMarching to Aulos musicAM, I111
StraboAulos contests in ancient GreeceAM, I111
ContestsAulos contests in ancient GreeceAM, I`111
MythsInvention of the trumpetAM, I103
MythsLovers of Good Music, 4th c. BCAM, I112
OboeJesus chases aulos players outAM, I112
Lyric PoetsGreece, 9th c, BCAM, I113-122
ArchilochusLyric poet, 7th c., BCAM, I124, 133
SapphoLyric poet,`7th c., BCAM, I124
AlkmanLyric poet, 7th c., BCAM, I124, 137
AlcacusLyric poet, 7th c., BCAM, I124
Anacreon of TeosLyric poet, 6th c., BCAM, I`124
SimonidesLyric poet, 6th c., BCAM, I125ff
PindarLyric poet, 6th c., BCAM, I125ff
BacchylidesLyric poet,, 6th c., BCAM, I125ff
OboeContest, 490 BCAM, I126
ChoralRepertoire, ancient GreeceAM,I126ff
TerpanderLyric Singing, 7th c., BCAM, I128, 138
PhrynisNine-string Lyre [Plutarch]AM, I129
Music EducationBoys school in ancient GreeceAM, I129
ClonasPhrygian aulos playerAM, I130
PlatoComplains, style by aulos playersAM, I130
OboeAulos playersAM, i129ff
TrumpetAccomp. Lyric singersAM, I131
PercussionAccomp. Lyric singersAM, I131
FormsEarly Greek Odes, & othersAM, I131ff
DithyrambOriginal Greek modesAM, I131
IsmeniasMusician, 63 – 24 BCAM, i135
DelphiFestival musicAM, I135
PlutarchMusic appeased a seditionAM, I139
Historians5th c. BCAM, 1141ff
HerodotusEarly historian, 484-425 BCAM, I141ff
Thucydides of AthensEarly historian, 470-398 BCAM, I141ff
Xenophon of AthensEarly historian, 434-355 BCAM, 141ff
SocratesPhilosopher, d, 399 BCAM, I141ff
ArionEarly singer rescued by dolphinAM, i141, fn 1
Delia FestivalIonians of DelosAM, I143
RhapsodistsEsarly singersAM, I143
SymposiumEarly Greek drinking banquetAM, I143
OdeumEarly Greek concert hallAM, i145
Military MusicGreek armies marching to musicAM, i146ff
DanceEarly Greek dance musicAM, I149
ChoralEarly Greek trainingAM, i150, 157
DemocritusFifth Century BC PhilosopherAM, I153
ArchytasFifth Century BC PhilosopherAM, I153
MetopusFifth Century BC PhilosopherAM, I153
Bicamerial brainMotopus, 5th c. BCAM, I153
TheagesFifth Century BC PhilosopherAM, I153
PhotiusFifth Century BC PhilosopherAM, I155
ParmenidasFifth Century BC PhilosopherAM, I155
GorgiasFifth Century BC PhilosopherAM, I155ff
ThalesPhilosopher, 640-546 BCAM, I156
XenophanesPhilosopher, 576-480 BCAM, I156
HeraclitusPhilosopher, c.513 BCAM, I156ff
HippasPhilosopher, c. 450 BCAM, I157
PlatoOn HippasAM, I157
AntiphonFifth Century BC SpeakerAM, I157
PythagorasPhilosopoher, 580-500 BCAM, I158-167
Music in ReligionSujmerian Song, 2,500 BCMR2
Music in ReligionAncient referencesMR2ff
PlatoMagnet analogy re audienceMR3
Eriugena, J. ScotusOn how music reaches audienceMR3
Aesop FablesAesop, 620-560 BCAM I169
AeschylusFifth Cent. Dramatist, 525-456 BCAM, I169ff
SophoclesFifth Cent. Dramatist,495-406 BCAM, I169ff
EuripidesFifth Cent. Dramatist 480-408 BCAM, I169ff
AristophanesFifth Cent. Dramarist, 448-380 BCAM, I169ff
DanceSophoclesAM, I171
AristotleWinds better to accom. VoiceAM, I172
Kraton of ChalkedonFourth centry BC famous oboistAM, I172
OboeKraton, 4th c. BC famous playerAM, I172
PlutarchDolphins love musicAM, I172
AristoxenusOn Greek modes, AM, i173
AristoxenusStudent of AristotleAM, I173
ChoralChorus in Greek dramasAM, I175ff
Aesthetics          Art music, ancient GreekAM, I175ff
Music EducationIn Greek dramasAM, I180ff
Music in ReligionIn ancient Greek festivalsAM, I181ff
DanceIn ancient Greek mourningAM, I184ff
TrumpetAncient Greek militaryAM, I185
PanpipeIn SophoclesAM, I186
FluteRural pipe, SophoclesAM, I186ff
Music in SocietyGreek dramasAM, I186ff
HomerIliad,engtertainment musicAM, I186
Listener of Music   In Greek dramasAM, I189ff
PlatoPhilosophy of Music, 437-347 BCAM, I191-247
Aesthetics          In PlatoAM, I198ff, 228
Damon of AthensTeacher of SocratesAM, I220
CatharsisIn listenerAM, I224, 262
Listener of Music   CatharsisAM, I224
Music EducationPlatoAM, I225-232
Music in SocietyPlatoAM, I232ff
ContestsPlatoAM, I232ff
ChoralPlatoAM, I232ff
Aesthetics          PlatoAM, I237ff
AristotlePhilosophy of Music, 384-322 BCAM, I249-271
PercussionHeard by AristotleAM, I251
Aesthetics          AristotleAM, I252-264
Listener of Music   AristotleAM, I257ff
Music EducationAistotleAM, I264-271
Music in ReligionEarly RomanMR3ff
SumeriaReligious music 3000 BCMR5ff
BabyloniaReligious music 2000 BCMR6
EgyptMerit, god personification of muscMR7
Music in SocietyAncient EgyptMR6ff
Music in ReligionPlato: Greek style came from EgyptMR9
ApolloAncient god of Music and MedicineMR9
FlutePanpipe and god PanMR10
FluteInvented by god AthenaMR11
BionEarly Greek poet, re fluteMR11
HoraceMuse, Calliope played fluteMR11
OrpheusFamous legend, here by OvidMR11
OvidLegend of OrpheusMR11
Music in ReligionAncient GreeceMR12ff
Old TestamentOn MusicMR18ff
GreeceAlexanderian Period 323-146 BCAM, I273-279
PtolemyGreece, king of EgyptAM, i273
AthenacusDecline in Art MusicAM, I274
Aesthetics          Decline in Alex. Period of GreeceAM, I274
PherectratesEarly Greekk playwrightAM, I274
AristoxenusEarly Greek Art music declineAM, I`274
PlutarchEarly Greek Art music declineAM,I275
SratonicusFamous harp player, early GreeceAM, I276
Music EducationAlex. Period, ancient greeceAM, I277
Music in SocietyAlex. Period, ancient greeceAM, I127ff
AristoxenusAlex., b. 379 BC ancient greeceAM, I281ff
Pyrrho, 360-270 BCSceptic School of PhilosophyAM, I283
Epicurus, 342-270 BCEpicurean School of PhilosophyAM, I283ff
Zeno, 333-261 BCStoic School of PhlosophyAM, I283ff
Bicameral brain     Early Greek philosophersAM. I283ff
TheophrastusGreek philosopher, 372-287 BCAM, I284ff
Aesthetics          Early Greek philosophersAM, I286ff
Music EducationEarly Greek philosophersAM, I288ff
EratosthenesEarly Greek philosophersAM, I288
PolyibusEarly Greek historanAM, I291ff
Crates of ThebesEarly Greek philosopher, fl. 326 BCAM, I292
Music in SocietyEarly Greek music by laborersAM, I292
Diogenes LaertiusMusic by laborersAM, I292
TheocritusAlexandrian Era poet, 315-264 BCAM, I293ff
Alexandrian PoetsAncient Greece, 393-301 BCAM, I293-301
HermesianaxAlexandrian poet, early 3rd \ c.,BCAM, I293
BionAlexrandian poet, fl. 105 BCAM, I293ff
Aesthetics          Alexandrian poetsAM, I296ff
GreeceRoman Period, 146 BC-529 ADAM, I303-338
AestheticsRoman Period, 146 BC-529 ADAM, I303ff
PlotinusLast Greek phil. 204-270 ADAM, I303ff
EpictetusGreek philosopher, 55-135 ADAM, I305
PlutarchGreek philosopher, 46-120 ADAM, I306ff
Bicameral brain     Plutarch, 46-120 ADAM, I306ff
Aesthetics          Greece 146 BC – 529 ADAM, I309ff
StraboOn Aesthetics, 63 BC – 14 AD                  AM, I317ff
ChoralOdes Sixth C. BCAM, I321ff
LucianSatirist, 2nd c. ADAM, I322
Music EducationGreece, Roman PeriodAM, I323ff
Aristides QuintilianusGreek philosopher 4th c. ADAM, I326-336
Music in SocietyGreek, Roman PeriodAM, I336ff
Etruscan MusicEarly RomeAM, I343ff
OvidOn Etruscan aulos playersAM, I344
OboeOvid on Etruscan aulos playersAM, I344
LivyEarly historian of RomeAM, I3435ff
Servius TulliusKing of Rome, 6th c. BCAM, I345
Numa PompilusEarly Rome, 6th to 8th c. BCAM, I347
Roman MusicRepublic Period, 240-27 BCAM, I351ff
Music and ProphesyAncient Roman MusicMR22-28
BacchylidesMusic for ProphesyMR22
Horace, 66-8 BCMusic for ProphesyMR22
ApolloGod of music and prophesyMR22
Catullus, 84-54 BCRoman poetMR24
Cicero, 106-43 BCRoman writerMR24
Virgil, 70-19 BCRoman poetMR24
St. Justin MartyrSecond century church fatherMR24
Old TestamentMusic and prophesyMR24ff
Lope de VegaPlaywright, 1562-1635MR26
Paine, ThomasOn Old Testament, 18th c.MR27
Emotion in MusicHerbert Spencer, 19th c.MR27
Sandford, LorenPaster on prophesyMR28
Music in ReligionAncient Hebrew ViewsMR29
Old TesamentHebrew musicMR29
PercussionMiriam, a percussionist, Old Test.MR35
TrumpetPerformances in Old Test.MR35ff
TrumpetGod played Tpt, Zechariah 9:14MR36, fn 36
Julius CaesarPercussion in the templeMR37
VirgilReligious music in ancient RomeMR37
Music in ReligionVirgil, ancient RomeMR57
OvidMusic for Egyptian god IbisMR57
Ibis, Egyptian godOvid on religious muscicMR57
PerecussionOvid on Egyptian ritualsMR57
OboeUsed in theater, ancient RomeMR38
OboeLivy on aulos in religion in RomeMR38
VarroGods, 3,000 in ancient RomeMR38
Petronius, 7-66 ADRome, more gods than peopleMR38
LucretiusOn origin of god PanMR38
Catullus, 84-54 BCReligious music in honor of CybeleMR39
CybeleAulos, perc. In religious riteMR39
CeresGoddess of agriculture, RomeMR39
OvidMusic for Bacchus festivalMR40
Bacchus, Roman godOvid on Music for festivalMR40
WomenRoman festivals forMR40ff
SaturnSaurnalia festival with percussionMR41
PercussionSaturnalia festival in RomeMR41
Berecyntian pipeA bent horn, fest. of Idaean motherMR41
PercussionEarly Rome,fest. of Idaean motherMR41ff
JunoEarly Roman festival wih aulosMR42
OboeFestival in honor of aulos,MR42
TrumpetFestival in honor of trumpetsMR42
Music in ReligionA Volume with 15 original essaysMR251 pgs
Music in SocietyIn Ancient CivilizationsAM, i526 pgs
Rome Republic Period, 240-27 BCAM, I351-513
Varro, MacusOn the usefulness of musicAM, I351
Cicero, 106-43 BCOn his personal slaveAM, I351
Nepos, 100-22 BCPerformance not for gentlemenAM, I352
Musical slavesNumerous in ancient RomeAM, I352ff
Philadelphus, 3rd BCRoman Republic leaderAM, I352
TrumpetLucius Flaccus, fl 19 AD, playerAM, I352
Flaccus, LuciusRoman consul, trumpet playerAM,I352
Cicero, 106-43 BCOn musical slaves in RomeAM, I352
Chrysogon osRoman noble opposed to musicAM, I352
Sallust, 86-34 BCRome, performance not for womenAM, I353
Aesthetics          Rome, Republic PeriodAM, I353ff
TheaterRome, music as early as 389 BCAM, I353
TheaterRome Repujblic PeriodAM, I353ff
TerenceName of slave composerAM, I353
PolybiusMusic in arena, 2nd c. BCAM, I354
CatullusMent. Simonides, lyric poetAM, I355
SimonidesLyric poetAM,,I355
WomenPeformers in ancient RomeAM,I355
OvidHeroides should have accompanyAM, i355
Pliny the YoungerPoems sung with instr. accomp..AM, I355
Music in SocietyAncient Rome, singing in banquetsAM, I355, 368
Music EducationRome, Republic PeriodAM, I355ff
Music EducationRome 206 BC study contractAM, I356
Cicero, 106-43 BCOn music educationAM, I356
Cicero, 106-43 BCOn a knight who sungAM, I356
Cicero, 106-43 BCMusic education by SpartansAM, I357
SpartansMusic educaionAM, I357
Music in SocietyRome, Republic PeriodAM, I3576ff
DionysusRoman festival descriptionAM, I359ff
WomenRoman FestivalsAM, I360ff
Roman MusicFestivals, Republic PeriodAM, I360ff
LiviusComposer, Rome RepujblicAM, I361
TerenceWedding music in “The Brothers”AM, I363
TrumpetMilitary use in RomeAM, I363
Military MusicRoman, Republic PeriodAM, I363ff
Civic MusicRome, Republic PeriodAM, I364
CatullusPoem 64, music for prophesyAM, I364
FluteCicero on pitchpipesAM, I365
Cicero, 106-43 BCOn the pitchpipeAM, I365
QuintilianUse of music in oratoryAM, I265
Music in SocietyEntertainment music, RomeAM, I366ff
LivyEarly Roman festivalsAM, I359
Rome Republican Period PhilosophyAM, I369-400
Varro, 116-27 Early Roman philosophyAM, I369
Cicero, 106-43 BCEarly Roman philosophyAM, I369ff
Lucretius, 99-55 BCEarly Roman philosophyAM, I369ff
Aesthetics          Rome Republican PeriodAM,I371-400
Sallust, 86-34 BCEarly Roman philosophyAM, I369
Emotion in Music    Early Roman Republican PeriodAM, I375ff
Cicero, 106-43 BCEmotion in MusicAM, I375ff
Cicero, 106-43 BCListener of MusicAM, I389ff
DebussyListener of MusicAM, I389, fn 66
Rome Augustian PeriodAM, I401-422
Horace, 66-8 BCRoman philosopherAM, I401
Aesthetics          Augustian PeriodAM, I402ff
HoracePurpose of artAM, I402
VirgilPurpose of artAM, I402
OvidPurpose of artAM, I402
TheaterRome Augustian Periodam, AM, I409
Listener of MusicRome Augustian Periodam, AM, I410
Music EducationRome Augustian Periodam, AM, I415ff
Music in ReligionRome Augustian Period godsAM, I416
Military MusicRome Augustian PeriodAM, I417ff
Music in SocietyRome, early watchmanAM, I418
TrumpetVirgil, Roman miliaryAM, I419
Virgil, 70-19 BCRome military natural trumpetAM, I419
PropertiusRome, sound of early brassAM, I419
Music in Society Rome, shepherd, housewifeAM, I420ff
TibullusRome, music in societyAM, I419ff
SuetoniusRome banquet music of AugustusAM, I422
Rome Augustian Period poetsAM, I423-458
HoraceRome Augustian poetryAM, I423ff
PropertiusRome Augustian poetry was sungAM, I423
Tibullus, 54-18 BCRome Augustian poetryAM, I423ff
Ovid, 43 BC – 17 ADRome Ausustian poetryAM, I423ff
ApolloRoman godAM, I428ff
DianaRoman godAM, I430
NeptuneRoman godAM, I439
OrpheusRomanl god, here Ovid versionAM, I431ff
PanRoman godAM, I 432ff
VenusRoman godAM, I435
Aesthetics          Roman lyric poetsAM, I435ff
PropertiusRome, Cynthia love songsAM, I439-446
Music educationRome Augustian PeriodAM, I447ff
Music in ReligionRome Augustian cult festivalsAM, I452ff
OboeVirgil “curved pipe”`AM, I457
AestheticsRome, Empire period 14-476 AM, I459-476
Music EducationRome, Caligula, 12-43 ADAM, I459
Apelles,singerPunished by CaligulaAM, I459
Nero, EmperorRome, singerAM, I459ff
TacitusSource for Nero as musicianAM, I460
OrganRome, water oroganAM, I462
Titus, 79-81 ADRoman emperor, music educationAM, I462
Rome, concert hallBuilt by Titus, 79-81 ADAM, I462
Rome, concert hallBuilt by Trajan, 52-117 ADAM, I463
SuetoniusEarly scholar of Roman emperorsAM, I462
Hadrian, 76-183 ADRoman emperor, music educationAM, I463
Marcus AureliusRoman emperor, music educationAM, I463
AndroniusLyre Teacher of Marcus AureliusAM, I463
Rome, CaracallaLyre specialist, teacher of AureliusAM, I463
Elagbalus, 205-222Roman emperor, musicianAM, I463
OboeElagbalus emperor, played aulosAM, I463
FluteElagbalus, emperor, panpipesAM, I463
Flute, Empire PeriodPanpipes played in cult servicesAM, I463
OrganEmperor Elagbalus playedAM, I463
OrganEmperor Alexander playedAM, I463
OboeEmperor Alexander playedAM, I463
Alexander Roman emperor, music educationAM, I463
Rome, concert hallBuilt by Maximian, 286-305AM, I463
Music in SocietyRome, 489-526AM, I463
AesheticsRome, Empire period 14-476 AM, I463ff
ChoralRome, Empire period 14-476 AM, I`464ff
Music in SocietyRome, early home concertsAM, I465
Pliny the YoungerRome, early home concertsAM, I465
Music in SocietyRome, Empire perd. mass playersAM, I465
ChoralRome, 3,000 singers performAM, I465
DanceRome, 3,000 dancers performAM, I465
OboeRome, early female playerAM, I465
WomenRome, early aulos playherAM, I465
HornRome, 100 horns performAM, I466
TrumpetRome, 100 trumpets performAM,I466
ChoralRome Empire Period repertoireAM, I466
Music in SocietyRome Empire Period banquetsAM, I466
Persius, 35-62 ADHome concert satireAM, I466
TheaterRome, music composed forAM,I467
TheaterRome, contestsAM,I467
QuintilianRome theater musicAM, I467
ContestsRome, in theater, Empire periodAM, I467
Courts musicRome, famous playersAM, I467
CanusRome famous aulos playerAM, I467
Emotion in Music    Rome, Canus on his purposeAM, I467
OboeCanus on aulos TechniqueAM, I467
OboeAulos used in huntingAM, I467, fn 32
Vitrllius, 69 ADConcert at banquetAM, I470
Music in SocietySeneca the Elder opposedAM, I470ff
Music in SocietyRome, 4th centuryAM, I470
Music Education Rome, Empire PeriodAM, I471
Music in ReligionRome use of trumpetsAM. I471
OboeRome, aulos plays for sacrificeAM, I4371
Music in SocietyRome, serous banquet musicAM, I471
Music in ReligionRome, ceremony for eclipseAM, I471
Music in ReligionRome, Hebrew useAM, I472, fn 45
Military MusicRome, Empire period 14-476 AM, I472ff
HornUsel in military, Rome EmpireAM, I473
Military MusicAugustian Legion, 39 tpts, 36 hnsAM, I473
Music in SocietyRome, music for loom workersAM, I473
AestheticsRome entertainment musicAM, I474ff
Military MusicHorse ballet, Pliny the ElderAM, I475
TrumpetMechanical trumpetAM, I475
Claudius, 41-54 ADMechnical trumpet in sea battleAM, I475ff
Courts musicRome Imperial PhilosophersAM, I477-498
Emotion in Music    Early Christians, inc St. BasilMR45
Music in ReligionEarly Christans, not in homeMR46ff
Music in ReligionEarly Christians no love of ArtMR47
Clement of AlexandriaAnti-Greek music traditionsMR48ff
Music in ReligionAncient Egyptian roleMR48
Music in ReligionDiff. between Old and New booksMR49
Music in ReligionNew Testament referencesMR49ff
PythagorasMusic of the SpheresAM, I477
Pliny the ElderMusic of the SpheresAM, I477
QuintilianMusic of the SpheresAM, I477
AnimalsPliny the Elder on birdsAM, I478
OboeAncient source of reedsAM, I479
Music in SocietyMythical source of instrumentsAM, I480
AestheticsImperial philosophersAM, I481-494
SensesMarcus AudreliusAM, I480
HarpQiintilian on techniqujeAM, I480ff
SensesPliny the ElderAM, I481
Emotions in MusicPliny the Elder on role of eyesAM, I481
Emotions in MusicRome Imperial philosophersAM, I481ff
Music and OratoryQuintilianAM, I482, 486
Emotians in MusicQuintilian on “pathos”AM, I484ff
Art and NatureMarcus AureliusAM, I487
RepertoireVariety, Imperial philosophersAM, I487ff
Listener of Music   Imperial philosophers on criicismAM, I488
Listener of Music   Imperial philosophers on audienceAM, I489-493
Music in SocietyPliny the Elder on entertainmentAM, I493
Music EducationImperial philosophers on audienceAM, I495ff
RomeImperial poetsAM, I499-509
Calpurnius SiculusImperial poet, c. 50 ADAM, I499
Art and NatureSeneca, 3 BC – 63 ADAM, I500
ApolloAs harpist in Lucian, c. 125 ADAM, I599
HarpApollo as harpistAM, I500
Music and OratoryUnsuccessful lawyers vs poetsAM, I501
AestheticsImperial poetsAM, I503ff
Music in SocietyImperial poetsAM, I502ff
Music in ReligionContest of Good and EvilAM, II3-85
Music in SocietyFirst three centuries ADAM, II3-9
AestheticsFirst three centuries ADAM, II11ff, 27ff
Longinus“On the Sublime,: first century ADAM, II11-21
Art and NatureLonginus, first centuryAM, II21
GalenArt and NatureAM, II22, 26
Art and NatureGalenAM, II22
SensesSextus EmpiricusAM, II22ff
Sextus EmpiricusPhysiology of AesthetisAM, II22ff
AestheticsGrammer vs MusicAM, II27
AestheticsEvils of MusicAM, II29-38
Listener of Music   LullabiesAM, II37
Wind Music BCThe ancient and Near EastWH, I9-13
EgyptWind music in ancient EgyptWH, I10-16
IndiaAncient wind musicWH, I8
ParthianiaAncient wind musicWH, I10
FluteSumeria, 2600 BCWH, I10
HornCarchemish relief 1,200 BCWH, I10
HornEgypt, 1,400 BC 49 horns with goldWH, I10
TrumpetPersia, war hymnWH, I10
PersiaDarius III, 129 instrumentalistsWH, I11
Military MusicSynia, 135-145 BCWH, I11
OboeSyria,l double body aulosWH, I11
Canujs of RhodesFamous early double-reed playerWH, I11ff
OboeTames mares of LibyaWH, I12
TrumpetAssyria, 1,800 BCWH, I12
Trumpet Ancient ChinaWH, I12
PercussionAncient ChinaWH, I12
FluteInvention of transverse fluteWH, I13
TrumpetSound described in 451 ADWH, I13
Old TestamentHebrew wind musicWH, I19-26
Courts musicOld Test. Daniel 3:5 and 3:15`WH, I19ff
TrumpetOld TestamentWH, I20-22
PercussionOld TestamentWH, I22ff
Military musicOldl TestamentWH, I23ff
Wind MusicWind music in ancient GreeceWH. i29-46
PythagorasBicameral commentWH, I29
AestheticsAncient GreeceWH, I29ff
TrumpetAncient Greerce, “salpinx”`WH, I30ff
TrumpetAncient Greece militaryWH, I30ff
TrumpetSignals in anciesnt GreecerWH, I30ff
TrumpetPicture, 6th century BCWH, I31
TrumpetAncient Greece use of false signalsWH, I32
TrumpetUse in early OlympicsWH, I32
AulosGreece double pipeWH, I33
AulosPicture, 4th century BCWH, I34
DanceAncient GreeceWH, I35ff
Military MusicUse of Aulos, ancient GreeceWH, I35ff
Military MusicAffect on horses, ancient GreeceWH, I37
Music in SocietyAncient GreeceWH, I38ff
ContestsAncient Greece; repertoireWH, I39ff
ContestsAristotle disapprovesWH, I39
Music educationTeachers in ancient GreeceWH, I40ff
Music in SocietyAncient Greece decayWH, I41ff
AulosSingle pipe, ancient GreeceWH, I41ff
FluteTransverse flute missing in GreeceWH, I43
PercussionAncient GreeceWH, I43ff
ModesAncient GreeceWH, I44ff
Music and characterAristotleWH, I45
Music in societyAncient Greece known repertoireWH, I46
Wind MusicWind Music of EtruscansWH, I49-52
EtruscansRoman instruments first appearWH, I49ff
Music in ReligionVirgil and horn playerWH, I50
HornIn cult religious ceremoniesWH, I50
AulosEtruscan huntingWH, I51
DanceEtruscan dancers popular in RomeWH, I52
Wind MusicIn ancient RomeWH, I55-65
Military MusicTumpets, horns, ancient RomeWH, I56ff
HornPicture of Roman CornuWH, I56
TrumpetGhost trumpeter, SuetoniusWH, I57
Music in ReligionAncient Rome cult ceremoniesWH, I58ff
Livy, 59 BC – 17 ADRomes Dionysus cult ceremonyWH, I59
Music; in SocietyRome games, banquetsWH, I62ff
Music in SocietyRoman music guilds [collegia]WH, I64
FluteRome panpipes chafed lipsWH, I65
Courts musicRome, early emperorsWH, I65
MinstrelsEarly JongleurWH, I71-87
MinstrelsSkills, 12th centuryWH, I72
TrumpetTrio, 13th century, JoinvilleWH, I72
MinstrelsPovertyWH, I74
ChoralMouth minstrels [singers]WH. I77
MinstrelsMostly wind playersWH, I77
CourtCourt life, 14th c.WH, I77
MinstrelsMinstrel schoolsWH, I78ff
ChaucerDescription of minstrelsWH, I80ff
MinstrelsDecline of minstrel periodWH, I83ff
MinsrelsMinstrel guilds, photo, 85WH, I84-87
Music in ReligionMedieval Church wind bandsWH, I91-111
PercussionMedieval church, cymbals = lipsWH. I92
Music in ReligionLate Medieval wind bandsWH, I95ff
DanceMedieval church not allowedWH, I97ff
Music in ReligionCouncil of Constance,1414-1418WH. I101
Music in ReligionChurch DramasWH, I107-111
Civic MusicCivic wind bands, late medievalWH, I115-154
Civic MusicTower music, watchmenWH, I115
TrumpetSlide-trumpet introduction 15th c.WH, I117
Civic MusicEarly wind bands in ItalyWH, I121-129
TrumpetIn medieval Italian civic musicWH, I122ff
TrumpetTreviso civic contract with dutiesWH, I124
Civic MusicLarge Italian civic bands 15th c.WH, I125
Civic MusicWind bands in civic festivalsWH. I126ff
Civic MusicCivic wind bands in weddingsWH, I128
Music educationCivic bands, academic celebrationWH, I129
Civic MusicEarly Civic bands in EnglandWH, I131-135
Civic MusicEarly civic bands in Low countriesWH, I137-141
ConcertsEarly Civic bands, Low countriesWH, I140ff
Civic MusicEarly wind bands in FranceWH, I143-147
Civic MusicEarly French wind band GuildsWH, I145-147
Civic MusicEarly Civic bands in GermanyWH, I149-154
Civic MusicEarly German civic pay scheduleWH, I1`54
Music in ReligonThird c.,Origen, music is importantMR54
Music in RelilgionThird c. Lactantius, music is badMR54ff
JesusAccount of Jesus singingMR55
Music in ReligionEarly hymn and psalm practiceMR55ff
Music in ReligionWords more important than musicMR57ff
St. AugustineOn church musicMR57ff
Music in ReligionAncient views on music in HeavenMR59-68
TrumpetFamous early double-reed playerMR62
ChaucerHouse of Fame, Day of JudgmentMR63ff
Hildegard von BingenMusic in HeavenMR66
Milton, JohnMusic in HeavenMR66
Bunyan, JohnMusic in HeavenMR67
SchubertMozart, Sym. 40 “wings of angels”MR68
St. AugustineOn MusicMR69-87
Music in ReligionRoman church in Dark AgesMR89-111
CassiodorusOn MusicMR90ff,100
Gregory of ToursOn hymn singingMR96
SalvianOn the Government of GodMR92ff
Venerable BedeEcclesiastical of EnglandMR97
BoethiusOn church musicMR100
CharlemagneKing, 768-814 ADMR101-103
HrotswithaPaphnurius, 10th c, playMR105ff
HucbaldDe Harmonica Institutione, 895 ADMR108
AnonymousScholia Enchiriadis, c. 900 ADMR109
Odo of ClunyEnchiridion Musices, c. 935 ADMR109
Guido of ArezzoMicrologus, c. 1026-1028 ADMR109
Guido of ArezzoEpistola de Ignoto Cantu,1030 ADMR110
JohnOn Music, c. 1100 ADMR110
CourtWind bands in Medieval courtsWH, I159-170
MinstrelsMinstrels hired by medieval courtsWH, I159-162
TinctorisAlta, haut = wind bandWH, I162
Philip the GoodWind bandWH, I161
TrumpetFriedrich III multitude use ofWH, I166
CourtDinner music re size of hallWH, I165ff
CourtMedieval music for tournamensWH, I167ff
CourtMedieval music for the huntWH. I160
CourtMedieval wind in battleWH, I170
DanceMedieval winds for danceWH, I173ff
CourtMedieval bands, lost repertoireWH, I177ff
CourtMedieval bands in English courtsWH, I181-204
CourtMumming in English courtsWH, I192
CourtLarge band appear in 15th c.WH, I197ff
CourtMedieval accounts of dutiesWH, I198ff
CourtMedieval England, player namesWH, I200ff
CourtBands in Ireland and ScotlandWH, I203ff
CourtMedieval French Court bandsWH, I207-216
CourtFrench bands in crusadesWH, I207yff
CourtMedieval bands in Spanish courtsWH, I219-224
CourtBands of Ferdinand and IsabellaWH, I223ff
CourtMedieval bands in Italian courtsWH, I227-241
CourtMedieval bands in BurgundyWH, I243-258
CourtPhiliip the Good, personal desc.WH, I246
TrumpetIn Philip the Good’s great wood catWH, I252
CourtMusic in Golden Fleece banquetWH. I253ff
CourtMedieval German court bandsWH, I261-277
CharlemagneCourt wind bandsWH. I261-262
Trumpet“Song of Roland,” 1,000 trumpetsWH, I261
Court“Triumph of Maximilian I,” platesWH, I271-275
OboeNotes on the medieval shawmWH, I281-282
HornNotes on the medieval cornettWH, I286-287
PercussionNotes on medieval percussionWH, I287-289
CourtRenaissance court bandsWH, II3-139
CourtConsorts given in PraetoriusWH, II5
DanceRenaissance winds with danceWH, II6ff
CourtDurer plates of wind triosWH, II7-8
Listner of MusicFamous 1555 desc.of lute playerWH, II10
CourtWinds with Renaissance armiesWH, II11ff
CourtBands in Renaissance EnglandWH, II15-59
CourtBands under Henry VIIIWH, II15-29
CourtBands of Cardinal WolseyWH, II22-24
CourtBands under Elizabeth IWH, II36-54
CourtElizabeth’s ProgressesWH, II46-54
TheaterWinds in Elizabethian theaterWH, II5458
CourtMusic of Antony HolborneWH, II58ff
CourtBands in Renaissance FranceWH. II`61-85
CourtBands under Francis I, 1515-1647WH, II62ff
CourtPublished “Danseries”WH, II67ff
CourtBands under Chas. IX of FranceWH, II73ff
CourtBands under Henry III of FranceWH, II80ff
CourtBands under Henry IV of FranceWH, II83ff
CourtBands in Renaissance SpainWH, II87ff
CourtBands under Charles VWH, II89ff
CourtWind inventory, Mary of HungaryWH, II93, fn 27
CourtWind inventory of Philip IIWH, II94, fn. 30
CourtBands in Renaissance GermanyWH, II97- 115
TrumpetGerman instrument makersWH, II97
RepertoireRenaissance bands in GermanyWH, II97
CourtWilliam V of BavariaWH, II98ff
CourtWind inventory, Ferdinand IIWH, II101, fn. 25
CourtPhilipps von Hesssen, 16th c.WH, II104ff
CourtInstrument inventory Hessian courtWH, II104, fn. 44
CourtMoritz, Landgraf of Hesse-CasselWH, II105ff
CourtWind inventory, Moritz of HesseWH, II106. fn. 50
CourtDuke Albert of PrussiaWH, II107ff
CourtWind inventory, Albert of PrussiaWH, II108ff
RepertoirePart-books of Albert of PrussiaWH, II`110ff
CourtChristian I of SaxonyWH, II113ff
CourtWind inventory, Christian IWH. II115, fn. 81
Court Bands in Renaissance ItalyWH,II117-139
CourtPapal Renaissance wind bandsWH, II117-124
Clement VIIWind bandsWH, II121ff
Leo XWind bandWH, II119ff
RepertoireBenvenuto Cellini, diaryWH, II121
CourtPicture, Venice wind band, 1559WH, II126-139
Civic MusicRenaissance wind bandsWH, II143
Civic MusicTower musician skillsWH, II144
Civic MusicEnglish Wait BandsWH, II147-163
Civic MusicBands in Renn. Low CountriesWH, II165-174
RepertoireMusic by Tielman SusatoWH, II175-177
Civic MusicRennaissance bands in FranceWH, II179-183
RepertoireRenaissance French danseriesWH, II181ff
RepertoireNicolas Du Chemin publicationsWH, II181
ReperoireArbeau “Orchesography” 1588WH, II181
Civic MusicRenaissance bands in GermanyWH, II185-195
Civic MusicRenaissance bands in ItalyWH, II197-201
Civic MusicInstrument inventory, VeronaWH, II201
Music in ReligionRenaissance church wind bandsWH, II205-247
Music in ReligionPicures, winds and choirWH, II206
Music in ReligionItalian ScuoleWH, II242
Music in ReligionGirdolamo Dalla Cassa, of VeniceWH, II243ff
Music in ReligionItalian canzoni composersWH, II244ff
Music in ReligionPerformance practice, PraetoriusWH, II244
RepertoireMusic of Giovanni GabrieliWH, II246ff
ReperoirePraetorius, Syntagma Vol. 3WH, II251ff
ShawmNotes on Renaissance shawmWH, II259ff
BassoonNotes on Renaissance bassoonWH, II260ff
CornettNotes on Renaissance cornettWH, II262ff
TrumpetNotes, Renaissance developmentWH, II263ff
Music in SocietyPoets, first three centuriesAM, II39ff
AestheticsFirst three centuries ADAM, II43-80
Music EducationFirst three centuries ADAM, II58ff
SensesFirst three centuries ADAM, II65ff
New TestamentInsrumentsAM. II81ff
Music in SocietyFourth, fifth centuries, Fall of RomeAM, II87-134
AestheticsAfter the Fall of RomeAM, II89-134
Listener of MusicAfter the Fall of RomeAM, II103
Martinus CapellaFifth century philosopherAM, II104ff
Music in ReligionSt. Basil, after the fall of RomeAM, II115ff
Music in ReligionSt, John Chrysostom, fourth centuryAM, II117ff
SensesSt. AmbroseAM, II125ff
Music in ReligionSt. Augustine, 354-430 ADAM, II135-170
AestheticsSt. Augustine, 354-430 ADAM, II135ff
SensesSt. Augustine, 354-430 ADAM, II142-146
EmotionSt. Augustine, 354-430 ADAM, II148ff
Music in ReligionSt. Augustine, 354-430 ADAM, II164ff
St. Augustine“On Music”AM, II166-170
Music in SocietyThe Dark Ages, 6tth through 8th c.AM, II175-212
Bicameral brainLate Middle AgesAM, II183-196
CharlemagneFrohliche JagdAM, II181, 188ff
AestheticsBoethiusAM, II183, 113ff
AestheticsOn Beauty, Pseudo-DionysiusAM, II186ff
AestheticsCassiodorusAM, II187, 219ff
PoetsDark AgesAM, II197–206
BeowulfEnglish poem, Dark AgesAM, II206ff
Music in ReligionGregory the Great, 6th centuryAM, II209ff
Music in ReligionVenerable BedeAM, II211ff
AestheticsIsidore of SevilleAM, II221ff
AestheticsPre-renaissance, 9th – 11th c.AM, II229-245
AestheticsAurelian, Musica Disciplina 843 ADAM, II248ff
AestheticsHucbald, De Harmonica, 895 ADAM, II253
AestheticsAnon. Scholia Enchiriadis, 900 ADAM, II254
AestheicsAl-Farabi, Ihsa Al-Ulum, 900 ADAM, II254ff
AestheticsAl-Farabi, De Ortu ScientiarumAM, II2155ff
AestheticsOdo of Cluny, Enchiridion, 935 ADAM, II256ff
AesheticsGuido of Arezzo, Mirologus, 1000AM, II257ff
AesheticsGiodo of Arezzo, Episola, 1000 ADAM, II261
JohnOn Music, c. 1100 ADAM, II261ff
Music in SocietyLate Middle AgesAM, II271ff
AestheticsLate Middle AgesAM, II275ff
Music in ReligionThe CrusadesAM, II281-286
AestheticsLate Medieval philosophersAM, II287ff
Roger BaconEnglish philosopher, b, 1214AM, II291ff
AestheticsGrosseteste, philosopher, b. 1178AM, II297ff
AestheticsJohn Duns Scotus, philosopherAM, II299ff
AnimalsAlbertus Magnus, b. 1193AM, II301ff
AestheticsBartholomew Anglius, 13th c.AM, II307
Music in ReligionDealing with AistotleAM, II311ff
Peter AbelardChurch philosopoher, 1079-1144AM, II311ff
Bernard of ClairvauxSt. Bernarfd, 1090-1153AM, II311ff
Thomas AcquinasChruch philosopher, 1224-1274AM, II312, 333ff
Hildegard von BingenSensesAM, ii315
Senses`Hildegard von BingenAM, II315ff
SensesBonaventure, fl. 13th c.AM, II316
AestheticsLate medieval Church viewsAM, II318ff
MinestrelsLate medieval jongleursAM, II325ff
Ramon LullOn the late medieval jongleurAM, II326ff
AesheticsJohn of Salisbury Church phil.AM, II313ff
AestheticsFrench Chansons de GesteAM, II`355ff
AestheticsTroubadours and TrouveresAM, II369ff
AestheticsDante, 1265-1321AM, II397ff
AestheticsMinnesinger songsAM, II417ff
AestheticsPoetry of the GollardsAM, II427ff
AestheticsAnon. De Musica Mensurata, 1279AM, II434ff
AestheticsGarlandia, de Mensurabili MusicaAM, II435ff
AestheticsGrocheo, De Musica, 1300 ADAM, II437ff
BandThe Hautboisten traditionWH, III3-21
CourtBands in Baroque FranceWH, III25-55
Music in ReligionPre-Renaissance Church viewsMR113ff
Music in ReligionMatthew :Paris. Historian, 1254MR114
Music in ReligionGrowth of the Roman ChurchMR115
Peter AbelardMR115ff
Music in ReligionCouncil of Paris, 1212MR117
Music in ReligionCouncil of Bayeux, 13th c.`MR117
Ramon LullJongleurMR118
Bernard of ClairvauxSong of SolomonMR119ff
AestheticsJohn of SalisburyMR120
Music in ReligionThe CrusadesMR123ff
Thomas AcquinasOn MusicMR131ff
CourtBands in GermanyWH, III57-70
BandHautboisten bandsWH, III57-60
CourtMainz court wind inventory, 1721WH, III57, fn. 3
Music in ReligionWurttemberg, voices and windsWH, III60
CourtDuke Christian of Weissenfels WH, III60
CourtEmperor Ferdinand III, 1637-1657WH, III61
CourtEmperor Leopold I, 1658-1705WH, III61
CourtBaroque horse balletWH, III62ff
CourtMaria Theresia, water pageantWH, III`63ff
TrumpetGolden Age of the TrumpetWH, III65ff
TrumpetBaroque trumpet guildsWH. III68ff
CourtBands in ItalyWH, III71ff
CourtItalian horse balletsWH, III73ff
CourtVenice water pageantsWH, III73ff
CourtWind bands in Spain, 12 windsWH, III75ff
CourtWind bands in EnglandWH, III77-100
CourtJames I, with platesWH, III77-83
CourtBaroque MasqueWH, III83-87
CourtCharles II, RestorationWH, III92-100
Court“Turkish Music”WH, III103-111
Military MusicMaurice de Saxe, 1696-1750WH, III111ff
Military MusicBaroque miliary bandsWH, III117-155
Military MusicGerman military bands, with platesWH, III117-123
Military MusicFriedrich I, 1688-1723WH, III125ff
Military MusicFrederick William I, 1713-1740WH, III126-131
Military MusicMilitary bands in France, with platesWH, III133-144
Military MusicMilitary bands in EnglandWH, III145-149
Military MusicMilitary bands in ItalyWH, III151ff
Military MusicBands in Low countries, with platesWH, III153ff
Military MusicBands in Russia, Peter the GreatWH, III155
Civic MusicCivic Wind BandsWH, III159=195
Civic MusicGerman Stadtpfeifer bandsWH, III150-174
Civic MusicBand duties and scheduleWH, III164ff
ConcertsGerman Tower music concertsWH, III165ff
RepertoireBaroque, Johann PezelWH, III166ff
RepertoireBaroque Gottfried ReicheWH, III167ff
RepertoireBaroque, Daniel SpeerWH, III168ff
Civic MusicStadtpfeifer Guild ordinancesWH, III172ff
Civic MusicBands in England, Wait bandsWH, III175-185
Civic MusicBands in the Low countries, platesWH, III187ff
ConcertsLow countriesWH, III18i9
Civic MusicBands in FranceWH, III191ff
Civic MusicBands in RussiaWH, III195
Music in ReligionChurch bands in Low countriesWH, III`199
Music in ReligionChurch bands in EnglandWH, III201
Music in ReligionChurch bands in Germany, + plateWH, III207-215
Music in ReligionGottweig winds inventoryWH, III213
Music in ReligionBands in France, Louis XIVWH, III217
Music in ReligionVenice pageants, canzoniWH, III219ff
Music in ReligionSpain and New WorldWH, III221ff
OboeBaroque namesWH, III225ff
TrumpetDaniel Speer on qualities of playerWH, III227
ModesCharpentier on tonal emotionsWH, III228
AestheticsIn 14th century Italian ChurchMR139ff
AestheticsPetrarch, 1304-1374MR139ff
Music in ReligionFourteenth c., Petrarch, BoccaccioMR140ff
Music in ReligionMachaut, Gower, Grocheo, 14th c.MR141ff
Music in ReligionPope John XXII, Chaucer, 14th c.MR147ff
Music in ReligionIn 15th century Italian ChurchMR153-162
Music in ReligionConrad von Zabern, TinctorisMR156ff
Music in ReligionIn 16th century Italian ChurchMR163-181
Music in ReligionCalvinMR163
Music in ReligionEnsembles in VeniceMR167
Music in ReligionHuguenos, execution ofMR167
Music in ReligionImprovisation in Italy ChurchesMR168-171
Music in ReligionAgrippaMRI
Music in ReligionDance in service in SpainMR171
DanceIn Spanish churchMR171
Music in ReligionItalian Counter-ReformationMR173
Music in ReligionItalian philosophersMR175ff
Music in ReligionObjection to polyphonyMR176, 226
Emotion in Music    Emotions lost in polyphonyMR176ff
Music in ReligionPurpose questionedMR178
Music in ReligionFor ceremonial purposesMR180ff
Music in ReligionMartin Luther on musicMR183-194
Music in ReligionPraetorius on perf. PracticeMR195-216
PraetoriusOn performance practiceMR195-216
Music in ReligionViews on Baroque church musicMR217-236
Music in ReligionJohn BunyanMR217
Music in ReligionOpera influenceMR218ff
Music in ReligionChanges in instrumentationMR220ff
Music in ReligionPublication of music beginsMR221
Music in ReligionChurch schoolsMR222ff
Music in RelgionInfluence of warsMR224
Music in ReligionCouncil of Trent influenceMR227
Music in ReligionVoltaire on church musicMR228ff
VoltaireOn church musicMR228ff
Music in ReligionHenry VIII influenceMR230
Music in ReligionCharles II, RestorationMR231
Music in ReligionPuritansMR232-236
Music in ReligionJohn Milton, 1608-1674MR233
Natural WorldAncient views on music, 10 essasysNW3-175
PythagorasPythagoras 580-500 BC on musicNW3-13
Music of the Spheres“The Sacred Madness”NW15-40
Music TherapyEarly viewsNW41-53
BoccaccioGiovanni Boccaccio, 1313-1375AM, III45-68
AestheticsFourteenth century FranceAM, III69-103
AestheticsGuillaume de Machaut, 1300-1377AM, III69-103
AesheticsJacques de Liege,treatise, 1313AM, III87ff
AestheticsPope John XXII, bull of 1324AM, III`90ff,100
ImprovisationJohn XXII approves in serviceAM, III90
Philippe de VitryTgreatise, Ars NovaAM, III92
Jean de MurisMuris, 1290-1350 TreatiseAM, III92
DeschampsEustache Deschamps treatiseAM, III93ff
ImprovisationIn Italian churchesMR168-171
AestheticsFourteenth century EnglandAM, III106-135
William of OckhamOckham, 1300-1349 Eng. Phil.AM, III106ff
John GowerGower, 1330-1408 Eng. Phil.AM, III111ff
MinstrelsEngland, 14th centuryAM, III120ff
Wm LanglandEnglish poet, 14th centuryAM, III121ff
BandsEnglish kings, 14th centuryAM, III128
Music EducationEngland, 14th century poemAM, III128ff
ChaucerGeoffrey Chaucer,1340-1400AM, III137-159
AestheticsFifteenth century ItalyAM, III164-189
AestheticsPope Nicholas V, 1447-1455AM, III161
PoetsColonna,Francesco. ItalianAM, III161
PoetsPoliziano, Angelo, 1454-1494AM, III162ff
AestheticsAlberti, Leon Battista, b. 1404AM, III164ff
AestheticsFicino, Marsilio, philosopherAM, III164ff
AestheticsUgolino of Orvieto, philosopherAM, III165
Leonardo da VinciOn BeautyAM, III169ff
AestheticsValgulio, Carlo, trans. of PlutarchAM, III170
AestheticsGaffurio, FranchinoAM, III171
Gaffurio, FranchinoTheorica musice. Late 15th c.AM, III171, 174ff
CiceroQuoted by GaffurioAM, III171
Emotion in Music    Calmeta, Vincenzio, 15th c. ItalyAM, III172
Ficino, MarsilioFounder, Florentine AcademyAM, III173
CourtErcole,duke, 1471-1505, AM, III179
CourtGaleazzo Maria Sforza, 1466-1476AM, III180
CourtGiangaleazzo Sforza, 15th c.AM, III180
Leonardo da VinciDuties in Milan courtAM, III180
Beatrice of MilanGreat woman of RenaissanceAM, III180ff
Isabella d’EsteMantua, 1474-1539AM, III181ff
CourtFederigo da Urbino, 1444-1482AM, III182
CourtLorenzo MagnificentAM, III182
Isaac, HeinrichComposer music for LorenzoAM, III183
Cortesi, PaoloFifteenth century writerAM, III184
Music educationFifteenth century ItalyAM, III185ff
Leonardo da VinciMajor discussionAM, III191-210
AesthetifcsLeonardol da VinciAM, III192-210
SensesLeonardo da VinciAM, III194
AestheticsEffect of Music on ManNW55ff
EmotionGalen, doctor, 2nd c. ADNW55
GalenDoctor, 2nd c. ADNW55
Emotion in Music    Hesiod, poet, 800 BCNW56
Emotion in Music    Marianus Capella, 5th c.NW57
Emotion in Music    Moschus, Greek poet, 100 BCNW57
Emotion in Music    Tibullus, Greek lyric poet, 5-10 BCNW57
Emotion in Music    Cyrus, Roman poet, first c. ADNW57
Emotion in Music    St. Basil, 329-370NW`57
Emotion in Music    Cassiodorus, 480-573NW57ff
CassiodorusTame savage heartsNW57
St. BasilNW57
Emotion in Music    Dante, 1265-1321NW58+
Emotion in Music    Hugh of Orleans, GoliardNW58
Emotion in Music    Borneil. French troubadourNW59
Emotion in Music    Plutarch, 1304-1374NW59
Emotion in Music    BoccaccioNW59
Emotion in Music    MachautNW60
Emotion in Music    ChaucerNW61
Emotion in Music    Poliziano, Angelo, 1454-1494NW62
Emotion in Music    Alberti, Leon Battista, b. 1404NW62
AlbertiPurpose of church musicNW62ff
Emotion in MusicLydgate, JohnNW63
Lydgate, JohnNW63
Emotion; in MujsicMachiavelli, 1469-1527NW65
Machiavelli, NoccoloNW65
Emotion in Music    Vincesnzo Galilei, 1533-1591NW64
Galilei, VincenzioNW64
Emotion in Music    Girolamo Cardano, 1501-1576NW64
Cardano, GirolamoNW64
Emotion in Music    Joachim du Bellay, b 1525NW64
Emotion in Music    Jean Bodin, 1530-1590NW65
BodinOn church musicNW65
Emotion in Music    CervantesNW65
CervantesTo sootheNW65
Emotion in Music    Lope de VegaNW65
Lope de VegaNW65
Emotion in Music    Martin LutherNW65ff
Luther, MartinNW65ff
Emotion in Music    Lodowick Bryskett, 1546-1612NW66
LullabyBryskestt, 1546-1612NW66
BryskettHow music soothesNW66
Emotion in Music    William ByrdNW66
Byrd, WilliamMusic for soliceNW66
Emotion in Music    Humphrey GiffordNW67
Emotion in Music    Philip; SidneyNW67ff
Sidney, PhiliopNW67ff
Emotion in Music    John Lyly, Elizabethan playwrightNW68
Lyly, JohnNW68
Emotion in Music    ShakespeareNW68ff
Emotion in Music    Molina, Spanish playhwrightNW69
Emotion in Music    CalderonNW69
CalderonMusic to sootheNW69
Emotion in Music    Moliere, playwrightNW70
Emotion in MusicSaint-Evremond, 1610-1703NW70
Emotions in MusicLeopold, emperorNW70
Emotions in MusicVoltaire NW70
VoltaireEmotions NW70
Emotions in MusicBeaumont and FletcherNW71
Otway, Thomasplaywright, 1652-1685NW72
Emotions in MusicMiltonNW72
Milton“Paradise Regined”NW72
Emotions in MusicMiltonNW72
Emotions in MusicGeorge Wither, 1588-1667NW72
Wither, GeorgeEmotionsNW72
Ben JonsonEmotions in MlusicNW72
Emotions in MusicBen JonsonNW72
FerraboscoAlphonso FerraboscoNW72
Emotions in MusicThomas Carew, 1594-1639NW72
Carew, ThomasEmotionsNW72ff
Emotions in MusicGeorges Herbert, 1593-1633NW`73
Herbert, GeorgesEmotionsNW73
Emotions in MusicGeorges Herbert, 1593-1633NW73ff
Emotions in MusicThomas Browne, `1605-1682NW74
Browne, ThomasEmotionNW74
Emotions in MusicJohn Donne, 1573-1831, PuritanNW74
Donne, JohnEmotionsNW74
Emotions in MusicRev. Joseph Hall, 1574-1`656NW74
Hall, Joseph, Rev.EmotionsNW74ff
Emotions in MusicGervase Markham (1615)NW75
Markham, GervaseEmotionsNW75
Emotions in MusicAbraham Cowley, 1618-1667NW75
Cowley, AbrahamEmotionsNW75
Emotions in MusicGeorge WitherNW75
Wither, GeorgeEmotionsNW75
AestheticsFifteenth century FranceAM, III211-236
AestheticsMartin le FrancAM, III211
AestheticsDufayAM, III211, 228
AestheticsBinchoisAM, III211, 228
Charles VICourt of LoveAM, III212
Christine de PizanAM, III212ff
Charles VIIIBrought Renaissance to FranceAM, III213
Phil. de CommynesAM, III215ff
Music EducationChristine de P:izanAM, III214ff
Orleans, Charles deAesthetics, 1394-1465AM, III217ff
Villon, FrancoisAesthetics, 15th century poetAM, III218ff
Gerson, Jean deChancellor, Univ of ParisAM, III218ff
Greban, ArnoulMystery plays, poetAM, III221
MinstrelsConfrerie de S. Julien GuildAM, III221
Music in ReligionCambrai cathedral singersAM, III222ff
Louis IX, 1461Arrival music, band, voices, organAM, III224
TrumpetHunting signals, 15th c. FranceAM, III224
Rene II of AnjouDinner music, 1489AM, III225
MinsrelsItinerant musicians 15th c. FranceAM, III225
Loqueville, RichardBallade, re itinerant musiciansAM, III225
AestheticsLow countries, RernaissanceAM, III227-236
Philip of BurgundyDuke, 1363-1404AM, III227ff
Philip the GoodDuke, Burgundy, 1439-1457AM, III228ff
Charles the BoldDuke, Burgundy, son of PhilipAM, III229
Civic MusicRenaissance, Low countriesAM, III229
Civic MusicOmnegang celebrationsAM, III230
ConcertsBruges civic band contractAM, III230
ConcertsBrabant civic band contractAM, III230
ConcertsBergen-op-Zoom, motetsAM, III231
TrumpetMass trumpet appearancesAM, III231ff
Philip the GoodPlayers in big wooden catAM, III233
RepertoireBasse Danse lost repertoireAM, III233
Phililp; the GoodOrder, Golden Fleece banquetAM, III234ff
Tinctoris, JohannesMusic theorist,1435-1511AM, III237-251
MovementAncient views with musicNW77-93
DanceJean Paul Richter “silent music”NW77
DanceAssociation with musicNW77ff
XenophenHistorian, 434-355 BC, choirsNW78
PlatoMovements of choir [Laws, 659d]NW78
Roger BaconDance is visual musicNW78
DanceCardano, 16th c., “6th part of music”NW79
MovementAs feelingNW79ff
MovementGreek choirsNW81
Music educationAmarna hieroglyph of music schoolNW81
Movement“Chironomist” early conductorNW81
PlatoMovement and musicNW82ff
MovementPlato on music and movementNW82ff
MovementIn Greek playsNW83
SophoclesExpert in music and danceNW83
DanceSophocles expert and in musicNW83
MovementJohann Mattheson, 1681-1764NW84ff
MovementNational differences in singingNW85
MovementHypocritica, commun. by gestureNW86
MovementPart of music, Paris, 1738NW86
MovmentWith hands onlyNW86
ujiCommunication by hands only`NW86
MovementHand commun. Punished 1730NW86, fn. 35
MovementGildon on actor gesturesNW87
Gildon, CharlesGestures by actorsNW87ff
Spontini, GaspareWagner quotes impact of eye mvt.NW89
Wagner, Richard     Quotes Spontini on eye of conductorNW89
MovementIn Greek armiesNW90
MovementAl-Farabi, c. 900 AD, part of musicNW90
MovementJohannes de Grocheo, c. 1300 ADNW91
MovementIn music, Pope John XXIINW91
MovementArbeau, swaying with hymnsNW91
DanceKnowledge of ancient dance lostNW91
DanceArbeau, dancing is mute rhetoricNW92
DanceAgrippa, b. 1486 appears madnessNW92
Agrippa, HenryDance appears as madness 16 c.NW92
DanceStubbs, 1583, is unclean and filthyNW92
DanceIn Voltaire play, “devil’s invention”NW92
VoltaireDance is “devil;s invention”NW92
DanceZurich 1519 pujblic dance fobiddenNW92
MovementDalcroze,Eurhythmics. In mus. ed.NW93
Dalcrose, EmileEurhythmics in music educationNW93
Music educationDalcroze, EurhyhmicsNW93
Gildon, CharlesLeft hand gestures are indecentNW88
MovementHistory of right hand preferenceNW88
PythagorasEarly iconography ofNWCover
AestheticsGermany, 14th and 15th c.AM, III253-285
SensesNicholas de Cusa, 1401-1464AM, III`254ff
BoethiusOn divine learningAM, III255
Nicholas de CusaAM, III253ff
EducationBrant, “Ship of Fools”AM, III260ff
AestheticsNicholas de Cusa, 1401-1464AM, III253ff
Music in ReligionConrad von Zabern, 1474AM, III272ff
Civic MusicBands in 15th c. GermanyAM, III276ff
Court“Weisskunig” Frederick III, 1450AM, III277
Court“The Triumph of Maximilian I”AM, III277ff
Music EducationTaught in university by math prof.AM, III279
TrumpetMass trumpets appearancesAM, III281ff
CourtGerman bands, 15th c.AM, III281ff
CourtCouncil of Constance, 1414-1418AM, III282
AestheicsSpain, 14th and 15th c.AM, III287-302
Ruiz. Juan“The Book of True Love” 1330AM, III287ff
CourtAlfonso V, 1416-1458AM, III295
CourtFernando V and Isabella bandsAM, III295ff
MinstrelsSpain, Fernando, 1491AM, III296
Music in SocietySpain, love songsAM, III296ff
Music educationSpanish universitiesAM, III299
AestheticsEngland, 15th c.AM, III303-322
Bicameral brain“Reson and sensuallyte”AM, III304ff
Civic MusicEngland, 15th c. bandsAM, III310ff
Music and OratoryAncient viewsNW95-112
Music and Oratory“Music is oratory in tones’NW95
Music and OratoryUse of pitch pipeNW95
Music and OratoryCreating emotions in listenerNW98ff
QuintilianOn emotions in oratoryNW98ff
Cicero, 106-43 BCOrator, listeners judgeNW100ff
DebussyFame is a gift of the massesNW100
MatthsesonOn the Art of GesticulationNW103
CriticsHypocritica, “under criticism”NW103
ErasmusOn speaking Latin and GreekNW104
Mersenne“Harmonie univeselle,” 1636NW105
Music and OratoryTruth does not matter, only passionNW106
Hobbes, ThomasHobbes, 1588-1679NW106
Music and OratoryHume, 1711-1776 more passionNW106
Music and OratoryLa Rochefoucauld, more passionNW107
Music and OratoryFenlon, more passionNW107
Music and OratoryImportance of the eyesNW108ff
CiceroOn the eyesNW108
Pliny the ElderOn the eyesNW108
DescartesOn the eyesNW108
CalderonOn the eyesNW109
Herbert, GeorgesOn the eyesNW109
Gildon, CharlesOn the eyesNW109
Wagner, Richard     On the eyesNW110
PetarchOn the faceNW 110
Ronsard, PierreOn the faceNW110
ShakespeareOn the faceNW 110
Chesterfield, EarlOn the faceNW111
Montaigne, MichaelOn the handsNW111
Gildon, CharlesOn the handsNW111
AestheticsAre musicians born or made?NW113-124
AestheticsGlarean. “artists born or made?”NW115
NatureIs art learned or a gift of Nature?NW117ff
AestheticsBorn or made? Case of MozartNW123
AestheticsIs Music Genetic?NW125-137
AestheicsRecent research on geneticsNW135ff
Music and geographyThe case of EnglandNW139ff
Music and geographyFrench vs Italian artistsNW141-150
Music educationImportance of study in ItalyNW150ff
Music and geographyGerman vs French stylesNW154ff
Music and geographyBerlioz on GermanyNW159ff
AestheticsFascination with numbersNW164ff
AestheticsOn the question of the EchoNW166
Bicameral brainWhere in body is Reason found?NW167ff
DescartesOn the pineal glandNW175
AestheticsEthics and Music, 13 essaysME1-132
CourtClassic Period bands, overviewWH, IV1-19
HarmoniemusikFormed by Joseph II, 1782WH, IV4ff
TrumpetLate traditionWH, IV4ff
CourtHorse balletWH, IV5
Jefferson, ThomasWants HarmoniemjsikWH, IV6
FormsChanges in Classic PeriodWH, IV7ff
FormsPartita means SymphonyWH, IV8
HarmoniemusikRole in courtWH, IV9ff
Cellini, BenvenutoWind band repertoireWH, IV12
HarmoniemusikOperas arrangedWH, IV12ff
ConcertsHarmoniemusik, AM, I10ff, 16ff
TriebenseeWH, IV19
HarmoniemusikRepertoire in generalWH, IV19ff
Music and characterME3ff
CourtBands in 18th c. AustriaWH, IV21-50
CourtReview of 18th c. courtsWH, IV21ff
CourtPachta, Graf of PragueWH, IV22ff, 37
Haydn, JosefCount Morzin courtWH, IV25ff
CourtBands in HungaryWH, IV27ff
CourtEsterhazy princes, role of playersWH, IV27ff
HarmoniemusikEsterhazy courtWH, IV29ff
CourtEsterhazy, financial plight letterWH, IV30ff
Druschestzky,GeorgHungarian composer at PressburgWH, IV31, 42
Haydn, Josef“Creation” arr. For HarmoniemusikWH, IV32
Batthyany, CardinalSperger, 42 partitas for this courtWH, IV33
ConcertHarmoniemusik, 1787WH, IV34
CourtBands in 18th c. ViennaWH, IV35
Haydn, JosefDocument re horn player searchWH, IV35ff
Wendt, JohannVienna Harmoniemusik composerWH, IV37
MozartOffered a job as wind composerWH, IV38
HarmoniemusikLiechtenstein court, ViennaWH, IV38ff
Triebensee, JosefMajor Harmoniemusik composerWH, IV39ff
Triebensee, JosefFirst-hand description if himWH, IV39
HarmoniemusikSchwarzenberg courtWH, IV49ff
HarmoniemusikMusic collection in Vienna, GMFWH, IV41
Cartellieri, b. 1772Composer of very lengthy PartitasWH, IV42
StarzerHarmonie composer, ViennaWH, IV43
MozartCompositions for HarmoniemusikWH, IV44-50
MozartLetter re arranging for HarmonieWH, IV44
MozartMozart/Gopfert arr. For HarmonieWH, IV46
MozartPublications, premiere of K. 361WH, IV46
MozartCatalog of compositionsWH, IV47ff
CourtBands in 18th c. GermanyWH, IV51-62
CourtMaximilian HarmoniemusikWH, IV51
BeethovenHarmoniemusik, Op. 103WH, IV51
BeethovenMove to Vienna, re HaydnWH, IV51ff
HarmoniemusikDon Juan arr performed in publicWH, IV53
HarmoniemusikContemporaruy silhouette of WH, IV55
Rosetti, AntonHarrmoniemusik composerWH, IV56ff
Reicha,JosephHarmoniemusik composerWH, IV56
Witt, FriedrichHarmoniemusik composerWH, IV56
Wineberger, PaujlHarmoniemusik composerWH, IV56
HarmoniemusikCollections; in GermanyWH, IV57ff
OboeBurney review of BesozzI brothersWH, IV61
TrumpetPerformance for Fred. The GreatWH, IV62
CourtBands in 18th FranceWH, IV63-71
CourtLes Grands Hautbois historyWH, IV63ff
CourtLa Poupliniere, 1693-1762WH, IV65ff
FranceFrancois Gossec, 1734-1829WH, IV68ff
Gossec, FrancoisLeading wind composer in ParisWH, IV68ff
FranceGeorg Fuchs, 1752-1821WH, IV71
Fuchs, GeorgLeading Harmonie arr. In ParisWH, IV71
CourtBands in 18th London; HaydnWH, IV73
Russian horn bandsWith score repoductionWH, IV75ff
Maresch, JohannLeader of Russian horn bandWH, IV75ff
Sphor, LudwigPraise for Russian horn bandWH, IV78
Military MusicBands in 18th c. GermanyWH, IV85ff
Frederick the GreatBands, “Turkische musik”WH, IV85ff
Military MusicGermany, 18th c. composersWH, IV89ff
Music educationPrussian Army Music SchoolWH, IV90
Military MusicLudwig, IX, composer of marchesWH, IV91
Military MusicBands in 18th c. AustriaWH, IV93-98
Military MusicBands in 18th FranceWH, IV99-101
Kastner, GeorgesScholar of French bandsWH, IV101
Military MusicBands in 18th c. ItalyWH, IV103
Military MusicBands in 18th c. England`WH, IV105ff
Military MusicRoyal Regiment of ArtilleryWH, IV105ff
Military MusicEnglish repertoireWH, IV113ff
Music and CharacterEssay, , 18 pagesME3-21
Music and CharacterAnclient GreeceMR3ff
Music andl CharacterPlato ME4ff
Music and CharacterAristotle on the modesME8ff
Music and CharacterPolybius, 200-188 BCME10ff
Music and CharacterSt. JeromeME12ff
Music and CharacterBoethius, 475-524 ADME13ff
Music and CharacterVittorino da Feltre, 1396-1415ME14
Music and CharacterJacques de Liege, 1313ME15
Music and CharacterVincenzo GalileiME15
Music and characterMartin LutherME16
Music and CharacterRoger Ascham, 16th c.ME16ff
Music and CharacterJohann Mattheson, 1681-1764ME17ff
Music and CharacterJan Pieters Sweelinck, 1562-1621ME18
Music and CharacterThomas Mace, 1613-1709ME18
Music and CharacterJohn Milton, 1608-1674ME19
Music and CharacterJonathan Swift, 1667-1745ME19
Music and CharacterEdward Young, 1683-1765ME19
Music and CharacterShinichi SuzukiME21
PlatoOn characterME4ff
AristotleOn CharacterME8ff
PolybiusOn CharacterME10ffg
St. JeromeOn CharacterME12ff
BoethiusOn CharacterME13ff
Feltre, JacquesOn CharacterME14
Jacqujes de LiegeOn CharacterME15
Galilei, VincenzioOn CharacterME15
Luther, MartinOn CharacterME16
Ascham, RogerOn CharacterME16ff
Mattheson, JohannOn CharacterME17ff
Sweelinck, Jan P.On CharacterME18
Mace, ThomasOn CharacterME18
Milton, JohnOn CharacterME19
Swift, JonathanOn CharacterME19
Young, EdwardOn CharacterME19
Suzuki, ShinichiOn CharacterME21
Music and MannersEssay, 13 pagesME23-37
Music and MannersJohn Calvin, 1509-1564ME23
Music and MannersPythagoras,l 6th c. BCME23, 25ff
Music and MannersAncient GreeceME23ff
Music and MannersPlatoME24
Music and MannersHomer, “Odyssey,” VIII, 475ME24
Music and MannersQuintilian, 30-96 ADME25
Music and MannersClement of Alexandria, c. 150-215 ME26
Music and MannersMartinus CapellaME26
Music and MannersCassiodorus, 480-573ME26ff
Music and MannersGuido of Arezzo, Mirologus, 1000ME27
Music and MannersBartholomew Anglieuis, 13th c.ME27
Music and MannersJohannes de Grocheo, c. 1300 ADME27
Music and MannersMarsilio Ficino, 15th c.ME28
Music and MannersDesideratum Erasmus, 1469-1530ME28ff
Music and MannersRichard Hooker, 1553-1600ME29
Music and MannersMichel Montaigne, 1533-1592ME29ff
Music and MannesCharles IX of FranceME30
Music and MannersMinturno of Ugento, 16th c.ME30
Music and MannersJuan Vives, 16th c. ME30ff
Music and MannersHenry Agrippa, 16th c.ME31
Music and MannesMartin LutherME31
Music and MannesOrnithoparchus, Anddfeas, 16th c.ME31ff
ModesOrnithoparchus on influence ofME31ff
Music and MannersNicolaus Listenius, c. 1500-1550ME32
Music and MannersRoger Ascham, 1515-1568ME32ff
Music and MannersLodowick Bryskett, 1546-1612ME33
Music and MannersJohann KuhnauME33
Music and MannersMarin Mersenne, 1588-1648ME34
Muskc and MannersThomas Mace, 1613-1709ME34ff
Music and MannersFrancis Bacon, 1561-1626ME35
Music and MannersJohn Milton, 1608-1674ME35
Music and MannersJoseh Addison, 1712ME36
Music and MannersRichard WagnerME36
Calvin, JohnMusic and MannersME`23
PythagorasMusic and MannersME23, 25ff
PlatoMusic and MannersME24
HomerMusic and MannersME24
QuintilianMusic and MannersME25
Clement of AlexandriaMusic and MannersME26
Capella, MartinusMusic and MannersME26
CassiodorusMusic and MannersME26ff
Guido of ArezzoMusic and MannersME27
Anglieuis, Barh.Music and MannersME27
Grocheo,l JohannesMusic and MannersME27
Ficino, MarsilioMusic and MannersME28
ErasmujsMusic and MannersME28ff
Hooker, RichardMusic and MannersME29
Montaigne, MichelMusic and MannersME29ff
Charles IX of FranceMusic and MannersME30
MinturnoMusic and MannersME30
Vives, JuanMusic and MannersME30ff
Agrippa, HenryMusic and MannersME31
Luther, MartinMusic and MannersME31
OrnithoparchusMusic and MannersME31ff
Listenius,NichlausMusic and MannersME32
Ascham, RogerMusic and MannersME32ff
Bryskett, LodowickMusic and MannersME33
Kuhnau, JohannMusic and MannersME33
Mersenne, MarinMusic and MannersME34
Mace, ThomasMusic and MannersME34ff
Bacon, FrancisMusic and MannersME35
Milton, JohnMusic and MannersME35
Addison, JosephMusic and MannersME36
Wagner, RichardMusic and MannersME36+
PerformanceCharacter of performerME39-46
Rojas, FernandoCharacter of performerME39, 41
CervantesCharacter of performerME39, 44
PlatoCharacter of performerME40
SraboCharacter of performerME40
St. BasilCharacter of performerME40
Galilei, VincenzioCharacter of performerME41ff
Cardano, GirolamoCharacter of performerME42ff
MontaigneCharacter of performerME43
Agrippa, HenryCharacter of performerME44
Milton, JohnCharacter of performerME45
WomenDisrespect of womenME47-62
AudienceAncient artist and publicME65-80
AudienceRenaissance artist and publicME81-91
AudienceBaroque artist and publicME93-101
AudienceNineteenth c. artist and publicME103-116
Herodotus, c. 440 BCOn the audienceME65
AudienceInfluence ofME65-116
PlutarchOn the audienceME65
PlatoOn the audienceME66-70
AristotleOn the audienceME70
QuintilianusOn the audienceME71
CiceroOn the audienceME71ff
Horace, 66-8 BCOn the audienceME74
Pliny the YoungerOn the audienceME75
Lactantius, 3rd cOn the audienceME77
Julian, emperorOn the audienceME77ff
CassidorusOn the audienceME78
Venerable BedeOn the audienceME78
Bacon, RogerOn the audienceME79
PetarchOn the audienceME81-84
Guicciardini, 16th cOn the audienceME81
Bruno. GiordanoOn the audienceME84
Tasso, TorquatoOn the audienceME85
Vida, Marco. 16th c.On the audienceME85
Galilei, VincenzioOn the audienceME85
Zarlino, GioseffoOn the audienceME85ff
Castiglione, Bald.On the audienceME85ff
MontaigneOn the audienceME87
Cervantes, MiguelOn the audienceME88
Lope de VegaOn the audienceME88ff
ErasmusOn the audienceME89ff
Glarean, HeinrichOn the audienceME91
More, ThomasOn the audienceME91
Ivanovich, 17th c.On the audienceME93ff
Addison, JosephOn the audienceME94ff
Cuzzoni, FraancescaOn the audienceME95
Bordoni, FaustinaOn the audienceME95
HandelOn prima donnasME95
Metastasio, PietroOn the audienceME96
Mattheson, JohannOn the audienceME97
La Bruyere, Jean deOn the audienceME97
Racine, JeanOn the audienceME97
MoliereOn the audienceME97ff
Marivaux, PierreOn the audienceME98
VoltaireOn the audienceME99ff
Playford, JohnOn the audienceME100ff
Broene, ThomasOn the audienceME101
Penn, WilliamOn the audienceME101
Shenstone,WilliamOn the audienceME`101
Wagner. RichardOn the audienceME105ff
SchumannOn the audienceME105ff
MendelssohnOn the audienceME105ff
LisztOn the audienceME`108ff
Dorati, AntalOn the audienceME113
Walter, BrunoOn the audienceME114ff
Ormandy, EugeneOn the audienceME116
CriticsViews of early CriticismME117-132
Pope, AlexanderOn criticsME117, 126ff
LonginusOn criticsME117ff
Empiricus, SextusOn criticsME118
Aurelius, MarcusOn criticsME119
Alvernhe, Peire, On critics, 12th c.ME119
Morungen, HeinrichOn criticsME120
BoccaccioOn criticsME120ff
Aretino, PietroOn critics, 16th c.ME121
Cinthio, GiraldiOn critics, 16th c.ME121
ErasmusOn critics`ME122
Chapelain, JeanOn critics, treatise, 1637ME123
VoltaireOn criticsME123ff
Shaftesbuiry, EarlOn criticsME126
Betterton, ThomasOn criticsME127
Dryden, JohnOn criticsME127ff
Haydn, JosefOn London criicsME129
Shenstone, WilliamOn criticsME128ff
Burney,CharlesDefends Haydn in LondonME129
SchumannOn criticsME129ff
MendelssohnOn criticsME131
LisztOn critics in AmericaME130
BoccaccioPrejudice against womenME47, 51ff
PlatoPrejudice against womenME48ff
PlutachPrejudice against womenME49
New TestamentPrejudice against womenME50ff
AlbertusPrejudice against womenME51
Gower, JohnPrejudice against womenME54
ChaucerPrejudice against womenME54
Bruno. GiordanoPrejudice against womenME55
Castiglione, Bald.Prejudice against womenME55ff
Aretino, PietroPrejudice against womenME56ff
Pico della MirandolaPrejudice against womenME57
Montaigne, MichelPrejudice against womenME57ff
Sidney, PhilipPrejudice against womenME59
Bryskett, LodowickPrejudice against womenME60
Lope de VegaPrejudice against womenME61
La MaupinEarly French prima donnaME61
Music in ReligionIntroduction 18th c.WH, IV119-124
Music in ReligionTe Deum account, Vienna 1767WH, IV120
Music in ReligionDuties, Melk 1779 contractWH, IV121
TrumpetMelk monastery, 1768WH, IV122
TrumpetObjection to hearing at lunchWH, IV123
Civic MusicSurvey, Classical PeriodWH, IV129-216
Civic MusicEnglish Wait BandsWH, IV129-130
Civic MusicEnglish Wait Bands uniformsWH, IV129, fn.5
Civic MusicBands in Vauxhall GardensWH, IV131, plate
Civic MusicFrench Revolution introductionWH, IV137-138
Civic MusicFrance, Gossec Te DeumWH, IV139-147
Civic MusicParis, Free School of MusicWH, IV153-167
Civic MusicParis, ConcertsWH, IV160ff
ConcertsParis,civic bands 1793WH, IV160ff
Civic MusicParis, 18th c. national festivalsWH, IV168-216
Philosophy of MusicAncient Voices essayWM3-18
PlatoDefinition of MusicWM3
Sextus EmpiricusMusic does not exist, 2nd c. ADWM3
Marchsetto of PaduaDefinition of MusicWM3ff, 12
SocratesOn the value of musicWM5
PlatoMusic value and educationWM5ff
Music educationPlatoWM6
AristotleOn the value of musicWM6ff
BoethiusOn music educationWM7
st. Augustine, 4th cHiss book, “On Music”WM7ff
Music educaionBoethiusWM7ff
CassiodorusDefinition of MusicWM9ff
Aurelian of ReomeDefinition of Music, 843 ADWM10
HrotswithaDefinition of Music, 10th c.WM10ff
St. Bernhard.Definition of Music, 13th c.WM11
Roger BaconDefinition of Music, 13th c.WM11ff
Joh. de GrocheoDefinition of MusicWM13
Listenius,NichlausDefinition of Music, 14th c.WM13ff
Mattheson, JohannDefinition of Music, 17th c.WM15ff
Roger NorthDefinition of Music, 17th c.WM16ff
Music in ReligionRoger North definition, 17th cWM17
Emotion in MusicSir Thomas BrowneWM18
Wagner, RicharfdDefinition of MusicWM18
SchumannDefinition of MusicWM18
Philosophy of MusicAncient Gods of Music, essayaWM19-30
HarpAncient festival, 300 harpistsWM23
TrumpetOT., Zechariah 9:14, God a playerWM23
Music in SocietySt. Cecilia, modern “god” of musicWM23ff
Emotion in MusicDryden, 1687, re indiv. InstrumentsWM23ff
MythsAncient Muses and Myths, essayWM31-48
ClioMuse of HistoryWM32
MercuryGod of music notationWM33
MinervaGod who invented the aulosWM33
CalliopeMuse of epic poetryWM34
MelpomeneMusic of Tragedy [stage play]WM35
JoveAnother namefior JhuoerWM35
ApolloPatron of music and medicineWM35ff
DianaMuse of hunting, sister of ApolloWM38
NeptuneGod of watersWM39
OrpheusRepresentative of Song and LyreWM39ff
PanInvented the panpipeWM42ff
VenusGoddess of love and beautyWM44
ThaliaMuse of Comedy [stage playh]WM45
MythsEarly writers on the myths and godsWM46ff
PerformanceEarly writers on InspirationWM49-59
Philosophy of MusicEarly writers: is music math?WM61-74
BoethiusIs music math?WM63
Aurelian of ReomeIs music math?WM63
Joh, de GrecheoIs music math?WM64
Jacques de LiegeFive volumes of music as mathWM65
Tinctoris, JohannesMusic and mathWM65ff
Music educationVives, music’s purposeWM67
Cochlaeus, Joh.Music as mathWM67
Philosophy of MusicBased on ears; CoclicoWM68
ShakespeareMusic ed is music and mahWM69
Isaac MewtonMusic and mathWM69
Mersenne, MarinMusic and mathWM69
Kircher, AthanasiusMusic and mathWM70
MatthesonMusic and math, 18th c. debateWM70ff
MatthesonI guarantee Bach is not mathWM74
Philosophy of MusicIs Music theory or performance?WM75-90
AestheticsItalian Philosophers 16th c.AM, IV1-31
Guicciardini,Fran.Aesthetics, 16th c.AM, IV1ff
Machiavelli, NoccoloAestheticsAM, IV2, 13
CourtTasso on the courtierAM, IV2
Tasso, TorquatoOn the courtierAM, IV2
CourtAretino, Pietro on court lifeAM, IV3ff
IntellectGuicciardini on the mindAM, IV5
Guicciardini, FranOn the mindAM, IV5
Machiavelli, NoccoloOn the mindAM, IV5
HumanismPico della Mirandola, 1470-1533AM, IV5
ChurchPico Mirandola on HumanismAM, IV5
IntellectMirandola, three kinds of thinkingAM, IV6ff
Pico della MirandolaOn the intellect and ChurchAM, IV6ff
Bruno. GiordanoOn the Counter RevolutionAM, IV8ff
WomenTasso, anti intellectAM, IV10
Machiavelli, NoccoloOn love and fearAM, IV11
IntellectAretino, Pietro on danger of LoveAM, IV11ff
Pleasure and PainPico della Mirandola, 1470-1533AM, IV12ff
Machiavelli, NoccoloValue of Art in 16th c. ItalyAM, IV13
Bruno. GiordanoAnti value of ArtAM, IV14ff
Vasari, GiorgioOn the value of ArtAM, IV14
Pico della MirandolaOn BeautyAM, IV15ff
Tasso, TorquatoOn BeautyAM, IV17
Philosophy of MusicAgnolo Segni, 1573AM, IV17
NatureVasari on imitationAM, IV18
Aretino, PietroOn NatureAM, IV18ff
Tasso, TorquatoOn NaureAM, IV19ff
Purpose of ArtAreino, P:ietroAM, IV23
AudienceGuicciardini AM, IV24
AudienceBrunoAM, IV24
NatureAretinoAM, IV18ff
NatureTassoAM, IV19ff
Bicameral brainReason vs Experience, essayWM93-102
Bicamerall brainVoltaire: Left brain is wrongWM93
VoltaireOn Bicameral brainWM93, 97ff
PlatoOn Bicameral brainWM95
PlutarchOn Bicameral brainWM95
Lucretius, 99-55 BCOn Bicamera brainWM95
Roger Bacon, 13th cOn Bicameral brainWM96
Music in ReligionNecessary to understand scriptureWM96
Leonardo da VinciOn Bicameral brainWM97, 100
ChaucerOn Bicameral brainWM97
MontaigneOn Bicameral brainWM97
St. John of the CrossOn Bicameral brainWM98
SocratesOn Bicameral brainWM98
AristotleOn Bicameral brainWM98, 101
BoccaccioOn Bicameal brainWM99
Cardano, GirolamoOn Bicameral brainWM99
DescartesOn Bicameral brainWM100
Walton, IzaakOn Bicameral brainWM100
Lope de VegaOn Bicameral brainWM100
Aquinas, ThomasOn Bicameral brainWM101
ErasmusOn Bicameal brainWM101
Charpentier, 17th c.On Bicameral bainWM101
EmotionsEarly voices on, an essayWM103-124
Pliny the YoungerOn emotionsWM103
AristotleOn emotionsWM103ff
QuintilianusOn emotionsWM104
AristidesOn emotionsWM104
CiceroOn emotionsWM105ff
QuintilianOn emotionsWM106ff
Longinus, first centuryOn false emotionsWM108
Galen, 2nd c.On emotions, contemp.examplesWM108
St. AugustineOn emotions, four classesWM108ff
SenecaOn emotionsWM109
Aquinas, ThomasOn emotions, in four partsWM109ff
MauchatOn emotionsWM111
Gower, JohnOn emotions, in the faceWM111
Rojas, FernandoOn emotions, universalWM111
MontaigneOn emotionsWM111ff
St. John of the CrossOn emotions, four basic onesWM113
ErasmusOn emotions, blames womenWM113
WomenErasmus blames women, emotionsWM113ff
ShakespeareOn categories in an emotionWM114ff
Agrippa, HenryOn emotionsWM114
Gracian, BaltasarOn emotions, gateway to sinWM115
SpinozaOn emotions, gateway to sinWM115
DescartesOn emotionsWM116ff
Hall, Joseph, Rev.On emotions, anger vs madnessWM118ff
Shensone, WilliamOn melancholyWM119ff, 123
Hume, David, 18th c.On emotionsWM120
Francis BaconOn emotionsWM120ff
Hutcheson, FfancisOn emotionsWM121ff
Prior, MatthewOn emotionsWM123
Swift, JonathanOn emotions, and geographyWM124
TalentVasari on skill or talent?AM, IV22
Vasari, GiorgioOn skill or talent?AM, IV22
Music EducationThe renaissance AcademiesAM, IV31ff
Emotions in MusicPontus de Tyard on a soloistAM, IV32
CamerataOn emotionAM, IV33
Ficino, MarsilioOn the AcademieAM, IV31ff
Emotions in MusicThe CamerataAM, IV33
ConcertCellini and papal performanceAM, IV33
ConcertAretino on private concertsAM, IV33-36
Music educationGiulio del Bene goal to upliftAM, IV36
Music in religionCouncil of Trent goalsAM, IV37ff
PerformanceMusic while travelingAM, IV39
Military MusicMachiavelli, 1469-1527AM, IV39
AestheticsEntertainment musicAM, IV40
AestheticsItalian theory vs practice 16th cAM, IV43-89
Humanismltalian 16th c. on emotionsAM, IV43-89
Galilei, VincenzioCriticism of 16th c. Italian musicAM, IV45ff
AestheticsTheorists of 16th ItalyAM, IV47-59
GiustinianiNeed knowledge and practiceAM, IV49
Purpose of ArtItalian 16th c. musicAM, IV52ff
Music and CharacterItalian 16th c. musicAM, IV54ff
Zarlino, GioseffoOn the purpose of musicAM, IV52ff
Bardi, GiovanniCharacter is essentialAM, IV55
Theory or practiceWords vs musicAM, IV56ff
PerformanceAnd style in 16th c. Italian musicAM, IV59ff
PerformanceBottrigari : failure of 16c. Ital musicAM, IV59
PerformanceTuning problemsAM, IV60ff
AudienceGalilei and Zarlino viewsAM, IV61ff
Music educationGalilei, not for entertainmentAM, IV63
AestheticsPractical Music, Ital 16th c.AM, IV65-89
AestheicsItal. 16thc. Practical viewsAM, IV67-82
GiustinianiOn good performance idealsAM, IV65ff
SingingAesthetics in singingAM, IV70ff
AestheticsIn instrumental performanceAM, IV73ff
GesualdoOn performance practiceAM, IV77
ConcertsBottrigari on large ensemblesAM, IV78ff
Civic MusicItalian 16th c. musicAM, IV82ff
Civic MusicDuties of Civic music in LuccaAM, IV83
SingingItalian 16th centuryAM, IV84
Listener of MusicFamoos Francesco da Milano perfAM, IV85
AnimalsAnimals and Music, accountsWM125-143
Bicameral brainMan ruled by Reason or EmotionWM145-160
Bicameral brainDante: if ruled by Emotion = beastWM145
Bicameral brainSchumann:trust feeling not reasonWM145
Bicameral brainEarly views of bicameral mindWM161-178
Bicameral brainVoltaire:I trust my heart, not mindWM161
Bicameral brainWe all speak well of our heartsWM161
Bicameral brainHistory of right=hand preferenceWM171-178
PoetsItalian 16th c. poetsAM, IV91-120
Tasso, TorquatoItalian 16th c. poetAM, IV91
Aretino, PietroItalian 16th c. poetAM, IV92, 94
Mei, Girolamo, 16th cItalian 16th c. poetAM, IV91
AestheticsItalian 16th c. poetAM, IV92-120
Tasso, Torquato“Creation of the World”AM, IV92ff
Patrizi, Francesco“Della poesica,” 1529-1597AM, IV95
Vida, Marco. 16th c.“De Arte Poetica,” 1517AM, IV96-103
Tasso, Torquato“Discourses on Heroic Poem”AM, IV103-106
Giraldi, Cinthio:Discorse Intorno,” 1549AM, IV106
Purpose of ArtTassoAM, IV113
SingingJacopo Sannazaro, 16th c.desc.AM, IV114ff
Listener of MusicSingers, 16th c. AM, IV115ff
ChoralCrusadersAM, IV117
TrumpetCrusadersAM, IV118ff
TheaterItalian dramatists, 16th c.AM, IV121-134
Guarini, GiambattistaItalian dramatist, 16th c.AM, IV122ff
AestheticsItalian dramatists, 16th c.AM, IV124-128
EmotionsItalian dramatists, 16th c.AM, IV124ff
Scaliger, Julius“Poetics,” 1561AM, IV128ff
Sebastiano, Antonio“The Art of Poetry,” 1563AM, IV129ff
Castelvetro, Ludovico“Poetics,” 1570AM, IV131
Castiglione, Bald.“Il Cortigiano,” “The Courtier”AM, IV135-157
AestheticsIn “Il Cortigiano”AM, IV135-157
Cardano, GirolamaNegative view of musicAM, IV159-176
AestheticsCardano, 16th c., AM, IV161-176
Purpose; of ArtCardano, 16th c., AM, IV164-168
Emotion in MusicCardano, 16th c.AM, IV163
PerformanceOn instrumentsAM, IV169ff
Pleasure and PainCardano, 16th c.AM, IV163ff
SingingCardano, 16th c.AM, IV171-174
DanceCardano, 18th c.AM, IV174ff
MichelangeloViews on art, 1475-1564AM, IV177-191
AestheticsMichelangeloAM, IV179-191
AestheticsFrance, 16th c.AM, IV195-199
CourtBands, Francois I, 1515-1547AM, IV193ff
Tyard, Pontus“Solitaire,” 16th c. arts in FranceAM, IV195ff
Music educationFrench Academies, 16th c.AM, IV199ff
Arbeau, Thoinot“L’Orchesographie,” 1588AM, IV206ff
Music in SocietyElaborate French pageantsAM, IV214
AestheticsFrench poetry, 16th c.AM, IV215-228
Bellay, Joachim duFrench poetry, 16th c.AM, IV215ff
EmotionsFrench poetry, 16th c.AM, IV219ff
Pleasure and PainFrench poetry, 16th c.AM, IV220ff
Marguerite NavarreTournament descriptionAM, IV227
AestheticsFrench prose, 16th c.AM, IV229-241
RabelaisGreat French story tellerAM, IV229ff
Bodin, JeanOn aestheticsAM, IV229ff
Pleasure and painFrench prose, 16th c.AM, IV233ff
Montaigne, MichelGreat French writer, 1533-1592AM, IV243-271
AestheticsMontaigneAM, IV244ff
SensesMontaigneAM, IV247ff
EducationMontaigneAM, IV248-253
EmotionMontaigneAM, IV253-257
Pleasure and PainMontaigneAM, IV257-260
TalentMontaigneAM, IV262
Purpose of Art`AM, IV262
EmotionRuler of the soulWM181ff
Luther, MartinMusic ruler of the human heartWM181
EmotionLonginus, 1s c.WM183
EmotionQuintilian, 30-96 ADWM184
EmotionAurelian of ReomeWM184
BoethiusOn the power of musicWM184
EmotionJohn of Salisbury, 12th c.WM185
EmotionGalileiWM186, 188
EmotionRobert Greene, 1560-1592WM186
EmotionMichael de VeonaWM186
EmotionHeinrich Glarean, 1647WM186
EmotionIsacoff on GesualdoWM187
EmotionPerformance, Francesco MilanoWM187
EmotionCorelli playing violinWM188
EmotionFirst opera composersWM189
EmotionCaccini, “Le Nuove MusicheWM189
EmotionMarco da Gagliano,1608WM189
EmotionBenedetto Marcello, 1711WM190
EmotionGeminiani, violinistWM190
EmotionAngelo Berardi, E is ruler of soulWM190
EmotionTossi,advice to singersWM189
EmotionChristoph Bernhard, 1627-1692WM191
EmotionJohann Mattheson, 1681-1764WM191-196
EmotionJohann Heinichen, 1683-1720WM191
EmotionBach on chorale performanceWM196
EmotionBach: harpsichord lacks soulWM196
Emotion in MusicDiderotWM197
Emotion in MusicMersenneWM197
Emotion in MusicFrancois RaguenetWM198
Listener of MusicFrancois RaguenetWM198
EmotionCharles Batteux, 1713-17680WM198, 199
EmotionDavid RivaultWM199
EmotionJean-Bapltiste Du BoisWM199
SingingSebastien de Brossad, 1703WM199
EmotionSamuel Butler, a form of treasonWM200
EmotionHobbes, emotion is EthicsWM201
Emotion in musicLord ChesterfieldWM201
Emotion in musicDryden associates with instrumentWM201
Emotion in musicAddison humorous descriptionsWM202ff
EmotionBerlioz WH203
EmotionMax RegerWH204
EmotionWagnerWH204, 206
EmotionLeo TolstoyWH204
EmotionClara Schumann on BrahmsWH204
EmotionArthur RubinsteinWH204
Emotion in musicStravinsky, not possibleWM205
Emotion in music Hindemith, not possibleWH205
Emotion in musicHerbert von KarajanWH205, 206
Emotion in musicBruno WalterWH206
Emotion in musicCharles GounodWH206
Emotion in musicCarlo Maria GiuliniWH206
Emotion in music“Doctrine of the Affections”WH209-231
AestheticsSpain 16th c.AM, IV273-291
HumanismSpanish universities 16th c.AM, IV273ff
EducationVives, Tradentis Disciplinis, 1531AM, IV275ff
SensisSt. John of the CrossAM, IV280ff
Pleasure and PainVivesAM, IV283
Philosophy of MusicFrancisco de Salinas, 1513-1590AM, IV287ff
Salinas, Fran.l 16th c.Philosophy of MusicAM, IV287ff
Music in RelilgionPietro Cerone, criticismAM, IV288ff
CourtPhilip I of Spain, 1594-1596AM, IV291
AestheticsSpanish 16th proseAM, IV293-310
TheaterMusic in 16th Spanish playsAM, IV293ff
Cervantes, MiguelTrials of Persilesd and SigismundaAM, IV294ff
Cervantes, MiguelDon QuijoteAM, IV295ff
TheaterCervantes on actingAM, IV302ff
Aesthetics Spanish 16th c. poetryAM, IV311-323
Leon,Fray Luis 16th c,On his poemsAM, IV311
Camoes, Luis de“The Lusiads,” poetry, 16th c.AM, IV311ff
Cruz, San Juan de laSpanish 16th c. Reformation poetAM, IV312ff
Music EducationSpanish 16th c. universitiesAM, IV316ff
Emotion in MusicLope de VegaAM, IV19
Lope de VegaEmotion in musicAM, IV319, 325ff
AesteticsSpanish drama 16th c.AM, IV325-344
CervantesOn early Spanish theaterAM, IV325
Philosophy of MusicMusic as TruthWM233-264
CelibadacheMusic is TruthWM233
PlatoMusic is uniqueWM234ff
CiceroMusicians must be true to selfWM2325
BoethiusOnly music deals wih moralityWM236
VogelweideTruth in his songs is obvious 12th cWM237
ChaucerOn Truth in musicWM238ff
CalderonOn Truth in musicWM239
TosiTruth is a great powerWM239
Leibniz, GottfriedMusic makes truth believableWM240
AestheticsMusic is a languageWM243-264
Luther, MartinMusic is a languageWM243
Wagner, RichardMusic: language of inner manWM243
VoltaireMusic and origin of languageWM243ff, 251
Roger BaconMusic: traces of early manWM244
MinstrelsPerformed without theoryWM245
Bicameral brainMauchat, 1300-1377WM247ff
Bicameral brainFroissart, 1333-1405WM248
BicameralMontaigne, 16th c.WM249
Bicameral brainMarin Luther: music is feelingWM249
Bicameral brainJohann Scheibe, 1739WM250
Bicameral brainGeorg Muffat, 1695WM250
Bicameral brainJohann Mattheson, 1681-1764WM250
Bicameral brainJean-Bapltiste Du BoisWM252
Bicameral brainCharles Batteux, 1713-1780WM253ff
Bicameral brfainCharles Avison, 1709-1770WM254ff
Bicameral bainMace: Music: Heaven’s languageWM255
Bicameral brainShenstone on genetic musicWM256
Emotion in MusicJohn Marston, 1575-1634WM256
Bicameral brainLisztWM257
Bicameral brainWagnerWM257
Bicameral brainHans Chrisian AndersonWM257
Bicameral brainLord ChesterfieldWM257
Bicameral brainVictor HugoWM257
Philosophy of MusicRobert SchumannWM258
Philosophy of MusicBerliozWM258
Philosophy of MusicPaul DukasWM258
Philosophy of MusicMaurice RavelWM258
Philosophy of MusicFrederick DeliusWM259
Philosophy of MusicMendelssohonWM259
Philosophy of MusicMussorgskyWM259
Philosophy of MusicEdward MacDowellWM259
Philosophy of MusicWagnerWM259
Philosophy of MusicBruno WalterWM259
Philosophy of MusicWagner on BeethovenWM260
Philosophy of MusicVoltaire summary on languageWM260
Sudre, Jean-Fran.Invents a musical languageWM260ff
WagnerOrigin of “leit-motiv ideaWM263
Catharsis“know thyself”WM265
CatharsisOrigin in AristotleWM265
AristotleDefines CatharsisWM265ff
St. AugustineOn catharsisWM267
DeschampsOn catharsis, 14th c. French poetWM268
Tinctoris, JohannesOn catharsis, 15th cWM268
Tasso, TorquatoOn catharsisWM269
Minturno of UgentoOn catharsisWM269
Cardino, GirolamoOn catharsisWM270
Cervantes, MiquelOn catharsisWM270
ShakespeareOn catharsisWM271
Listenius,NichlausOn caharsisWM271
Bayer, ConradOn catharsisWM272
Bach, J. S.On catharsis`WM272
Pascal. BlaiseOn caharsisWM273
Saint-EvremondOn catharsisWM273
PlatoConcern over entertainmentWM274
Military MusicInstrument improvements 19th cWH, V3-8, 66
OboeIncredible 19th c.developmentWH, V5-6
TrumpetDevelopment of the valveWH, V4
Wieprecht, WilhelmHead, Prussian bandsWH, V4, 22ff
Military MusicMilitary bands, Germany, 19th c.WH, V9-39
Military MusicMilitary band repertoire, 19th cWH, V34-36
Military MusicMilitary bands, Austria, 19th cWH, V41-55
Music EducationAustrian military music schoolsWH, V52ff
Military MusicBirth of the 19th c. marchWH, V54ff
Military MusicAustrian military band plate 1830WH, V47
Military MusicFrench military bands, 19th c.WH, V57-75
Military MusicFrance,l Napoleonic PeriodWH, V57ff
Reicha, AntonSymphony 1815 with his notesWH, V58ff
Military MusicFrench military band plate 1820WH, V61
Sax, AdolpheInstrument inventor, 1814-1894WH, V62-75
Military MusicMilitary bands, England 19th c.WH, V77-84
Military MusicEnglish military band plate 1825WH, V79
Military MusicEngland, first publication of musicWH, V81ff
Military MusicRussia, Rimsky-KorsakovWH, V85ff
Military MusicMilitary bands in ItalyWH, V87-93
Military MusicBands in public concertsWH, V97-123
TrumpetMaelzel’s mechanical playerWH, V97ff
ConcertsEduard Hanslick band reviewWH, V100
HarmoniemusikPublic performanceWH, V100ff
ConcertsPaul Maschek, Battle of LeipzigWH, V102ff
ConcertsBand concert reviewsWH, V103-113
ConcertsWorld Band Competition 1867WH, V114-119
ConcertsBands used in operaWH, V119ff, 123
Civic MusicCivic bands in 19th c. GermanyWH, V126ff, 134ff
Civic MusicGerman civic band rulesWH, V126-131
Civic MusicGerman civic band repertoireWH, V131ff
Civic MusicBands in SwitzerlandWH, V127ff
Civic MusicCivic bands in FranceWH, V143-154
Civic MusicBochsa, “Requiem for Louis XVI”WH, V143
Civic MusicBerlioz, “Symphony for Band”WH, V144ff
Civic MusicFrance, the arrival of the cornetWH, V147ff
Civic MusicFrance, survey of late 19th c. bandsWH, V150ff
Reicha, AntonContemporary descriptionWH, V151, fn. 25
Civic MusicParis, itinerant wind bandWH, V153ff
Civic MusicCivic bands in ItalyWH, V155-159
Civic MusicAlessandro Vessella, 1860-1929WH, V158
Civic MusicVessella, instrumentation chartsWH, V159
Civic MusicCivic bands in EnglandWH, V161-174
Civic MusicEngland,birth of brass bandsWH, V162ff
Civic MusicEngland, Dusin family brassWH, V163ff
CourtAustria court bands 19th c.WH, V179-183
HarmoniemusikVienna, 19th c.WH, V179-183
Seyfried, Ignaz vonFive works for Franz I, 1805WH, V182
CourtCourt bands in GermanyWH, V185-194
HarmoniemusikIn 19th c. GermanyWH, V185
Wieprecht,WilhelmMass band concertWH, V190
CourtGerman band repertoire, WagnerWH, V193ff
TrumpetMass ensembles, 19th c.WH, V192
CourtCourt bands in ItalyWH, V195ff
CourtCourt bands in FranceWH, V197ff
CourtCourt bands in EnglandWH, V201-205
Kramer, ChristianLeader of royal wind bandWH, V202ff
Music in ReligionWind bands in 19th church servicesWH, V209-219
AestheticsIn Low Countries 16th c.AM, V1–5
AestheticsErasmus, 1469-1536AM, V7-55
Luther, MartinInfluence on ErasmusAM, V9ff
EducationErasmus discussion`AM, V17ff
Henry VIIILetter from ErasmusAM, V17
EmotionsErasmus discussion`AM, V21ff
Pleasure and PainErasmus discussion`AM, V25ff
Purpose of ArtErasmus on BeautyAM, V28ff
AudienceErasmus on the publicAM, V33ff
Music and CharacterErasmus in letter to Adrian VIAM, V39-42
PerformanceErasmus on practiceAM, V42-45
Music in ReligionErasmus anti-polyphonyAM, V43
FluteErasmusAM, V43
TrumpetErasmusAM, V43, 53
PoetryErasmusAM, V29ff
Singing vs speechErasmusAM, V44ff, 51
Music educationErasmus: quality most importantAM, V48
Mujsic in ReligionErasmus discussion`AM, V48ff
OrganEasmusAM, V50
Old TestamentErasmus,on I Corinthians 14AM, V49
Music in ReligionErasmujs favors instrumentsAM, V51
Music in SocietyUse of TrumpetsAM, V53
JesusArrived with singing not trumpetsAM, V53
Music in SocietyErasmus on Entertainment musicAM, V54ff
AestheticsIn 16th c. German countriesAM, V57-77
HumanismIn 16th c. GermanyAM, V57
EducationCritical of Universities, 16th c.AM, V59ff
Music educationIn 16th c. GermanyAM, V63-66
DanceProhibited in 16th c. SwitzerlandAM, V74
Music in ReligionReformation leadersAM, V75ff
Luther, MartinOposition to ChurchAM, V79
EducationMartin Luther viewsAM, V84ff
AestheticsMartin Luther views on MusicAM, V87-96
Music in ReligionMartin LutherAM, V96ff
Music in SocietyAncient Greek MusicEPP3-15
Music in SocietyPherecrates, 5th c. BCEPP5
PlatoHarmony in ancient Greek musicEPP5
AristotleImplies harmony in old Greek musicEPP6
Music in SocieryReferences to harmony, Greek musEPP6
Music in SocietyRhythm in ancient Greek musicEPP7
Aristides, d. 468 BCOn rhythm in ancient Greek musicEPP7
AestheticsAesthestics in ancient Greek musicEPP10-15
ArixtoxenusA questionable source of infoEPP9
ModesAncient Greek modes, discussionEPP17-29
PerformancePractice in ancient societiesEPP31-51
PerformanceXenophon: don’t talk during musicEPP32
Listener of MusicHomer, re emotions c. 800 BCEPP32
Music in SocietyOrigin of ancient Greek musicEPP33
Pythagoras, 5th c. BCIdeas attributed to PythagorasEPP34ff
Socrates, 5th c. BCOn ancient musicEPP35ff
Music in SocietyDecline in ancient Greek valuesEPP36ff
PlatoOn decline in ancient musicEPP37ff
Music in SocietyRome:most musicians were slavesEPP45ff
Music in SocietyPerformance in ancient RomeEPP47ff
PoetsLyric poets of ancien RomeEPP50ff
Cochlaeus, Joh.“Tetrachordum Musices,” 1511AM, V104ff
Ornithoparchus, And.“Musice active Mirologus,” 1517AM, V106ff
Listenius, Nicholaus“Musica,” 1517AM, V112ff
Glarean, Heinrich“Dodecachordon,” 1547AM, V114ff
Coclico, Adrian“Compendium Musices,” 1552AM, V125ff
AestheticsIn the 16th c. German countriesAM, V133-151
CourtFirst strings in courts, 16th c.AM, V133
TrumpetTrumpets begin to read music, 16th c.AM, V139
Civic MusicGermany 16th c.AM, V139ff
Music in SocietyGerman makers of insts., 16th c.AM, V140
Civic MusicFirst consorts of wealthy individualsAM, V140ff
ConsertsGerman tower music, 16th c.AM, V141
TrumpetIn church, Ferdinand II, 16th c.AM, V142
CourtMusic for royal weddings, 16th cAM, V143FF
Civic MusicCivic band contracts, 16th c.AM, V144ff
TrumpetMusic for court dancing, 16th c.AM, V147
TrumpetRepertoire, 16th c. GermanyAM, V148
Civic MusicDuties in 16th c. GermanyAM, V149ff
AestheticsPraetorius, extensive discussionAM, V153-181
Aesthetics In 16th c. England, manners, etc.AM, V183-222
AestheticsPuritan influence in EnglandAM, V189ff
EducationEngland, 16th c.AM, V201ff
Pleasure and PainEngland 16th c.AM, V205ff
PoetsEngland 16th c.AM, V207ff
TheaterEngland 16th c.AM, V209ff
More, Thomas“Utopia,” 1515AM, V213
Bryskett, Lodowick“A Discoudrse on Civil Life: 16th c,AM, V214
Morley, Thomas“A Plain and Easy Intro…to Music”AM, V215
Peacham, Henry“The Complete Gentleman”AM, V217
Music in ReligionEngland 16th c. courtAM, V219
Henry VIIIEnglish court musicAM, V223-227
Edward VIEnglish court musicAM, V227
Mary TudorEnglish court musicAM, V228
Elizabeth IEnglish court musicAM, V229-236
Philosophy of MusicMedieval church philosophersEPP55-70
Philodemus“On Music” negative viewsEPP56ff
Sextus Empiricus“Against the Musicians,” 2nd c.EPP60ff
Grosseteste, RobertEnglish, 13th c.EPP66
Bacon, Roger.English 13th c.EPP66-70
DanceOT mentions sister of MosesEPP70
Boethius on MusicDiscussion, 475-524 ADEPP71-78
Cassiodorus On Music 480-573 ADEPP79-
Aurelian of Reome“Musica Disciplina,” c. 843 ADEPP87-91
Hucbald“De Harmonica Inst.” 895 ADEPP92
AnonymousScholia Enchiradis,: c. 900 ADEPP92
Al-Farabi“Ihsa Al-ulum” c. 900 ADEPP93
Al-Farabi“De Ortu Scientlarum,” c. 900 ADEPP94
Guido of Arezzo“Micrologus,” c. 1026 ADEPP95-98
John“On Music”c. 1100 ADEPP98-102
MinstrelsEngland, 16th cAM, V237ff
Civic MusicEngland, 16th c. The Waits`AM, V240ff
Civic MusicEngland 16th c. amateur music`AM, V245ff
AestheticsEngland 16th c. poetsAM, V249-286
Spenser, EdmundEngland 16th c. poetAM, V249
CourtSir Thomas MoreAM, V254
Bicameral brainFulke Grenville, 16th c. EnglandAM, V254ff
SensesFulke Grenville, 16th c. EnglandAM, V255
EducationSir John Davies questions valueAM, V250
EmotionsEngland 15th c. poets: badAM, V257ff
Bicameral brainEnglish poets Reason vs loveAM, V258ff
Purpose of ArtEnglish poets, 16th c.AM, V269-276
Performance practiceEnglish poets, 16th c.AM, V276
TrumpetWith Elizabeth IAM, V283ff
Listener of MusicEven in entertaianment musicAM, V285
AestheticsIn 16th c. English FictionAM, V287-313
CharacterCriticism of the EnglishAM, V287ff
Sixtus V, popeMurdered by king of SpainAM, V287, fn. 2
WomenPower of, 16th c. EnglandAM, V289ff
EducationViews in 16th English fictionAM, V290ff
Bicameral brainEnglish fiction, 16th c.AM, V292ff
Bicameral brainGreene, pros and cons of LoveAM, V294ff
PoetsDecline in 16th c. EnglandAM, V297
TheaterThomas Nashe, 16th c. EnglandAM, V298ff
Performance practiceIn English fiction, 16th cAM, V303
SingingIn 16th c. English fictionAM, V305ff
AestheticsElizabethan playwrightsAM, V315ff
SingingElizabethan Art MusicAM, V335ff
Military MusicMarlowe’s Edward the secondAM, V338
AestheticsIn ShakespeareAM, V341-385
CourtShakespeare on the courtierAM, V342ff
EmotionsShakespeare AM, V346ff
Music educaionShakespeareAM, V364ff
TrumpetRepertoire on ShakespeareAM, V367ff
ShakespeareReferences to music in his playsAM, V341-385
RepertoireEarly ReflectionsEPP105-116
HomerOn repertoireEPP105
Music and CharacterAristophanes, AbbatiniEPP106
SocratesA brief history of MusicEPP109ff
AristotleQuestions careeer choicesEPP112
Emotion in MusicAristotle, “expressive of meaning”EPP112
RepertoireNeed for variety, values, etc.EPP113
ChoralRepertoire, 5th c. BCEPP114
Philosophy of MusicAcoustics and perceptionEPP117ff
Kircher, AthanasiusOn the “secrets of music”EPP122
Mersenne, MarinOn the science of musicEPP122ff
Francis BaconOn the science of musicEPP126ff, 134ff
Newton, IsaacOn the science of musicEPP130ff
Reicha, AntonOn the acoustics of seatingEPP133
BerliozOn outdoor acousticsEPP133ff
MendelssohnOn acousics of St. Peters, RomeEPP135
AcousticsEarly views on the Pyramid ideaEPP137-144
Wiepecht, WilhelmPyramid pinciple in ensemblesEPP143
Descartes, ReneOn the pyramid principleEPP142
RepertoireNotes on early enssemble mss.WH, VIix-xiv
MS, GB, 14th cOne textless ensesmble workWH, VI3
MS, D, 14th c.Two textless works, one for danceWH, VI3
MS, I, 14th c.One textless polyphonic workWH, VI4
Hermann of SalzburgFour 14th c. works for wind ens.WH, VI4
MS, CS, 15th c.Six anonymous polyphonic worksWH, VI7
Touront, CS, 15th c.Two ensemble works.WH, VI7
MS, GB,,15th c.Seven textless ensemble worksWH, VI7ff
Battagh of RiminiMS, GB, 15th c.,”Marcha”WH, VI8
MS, I, 15th cFive polyhphonic ensemble worksWH, VI8ff
MS, F, 15th c.One textless polyphonic workWH, VI8
MS, NT, 15th c.Ten textless ensemble worksWH, VI8
Obrecht, MS, 15th c.“Ic draghe de mutse chutse” for ens.WH, VI8
MS, D, 15th c.136 textless ensemble worksWH, VI9ff
MS, 15th cLochamer LiederbuchWH, VI9
Finck, Heinrich, 15thThree textless worksWH, VI11
MS, D, 15th c.Textless ens setting of “La Spagna”WH, VI10
Isaac, Heinrich,15th cThree textless ensemble worksWH, VI11
Maximilian I, 15th c.Wind ensemble repertoireWH, VI11
MS, I, 15th c.660 textess ensemble worksWH, VI12-16
Marcus, 15th c.Florentine ensemble rondeauWH, VI12
Calabr, Andr., 15th cOne four voice textless workWH, VI13
MS, P, 15th c.Four textless works for ens.WH, VI17ff
MS, Spain, 15th c.Ten textless ensemble worksWH, VI18
PR, I, 1501Odhecaton, 96 instrumental worksWH, VI16ff
Philosophy of MusicEarly views on TempoEPP145-153
Couperin, 1668-1733Theory vs performanceEPP145
Praetorius, 1618“Syntagma Mujsicum on TempoEPP145ff
Mattheson, JohannMovement is a spiritual thingEPP150
MetronomeEarly views on the value of itEPP151
Philosophy of MusicEarly views on ensemblesEPP155-185
Machaut, 1300-1377List of 14th c.instruments in useEPP157
Leonardo da VinciAs a musicianEPP158ff
Gerson, Jean deOn the prototype timpani soundsEPP160
Performance practiceString players play while singingEPP163
OboeArbeau on the sound of the shawmEPP164
ConsortsDog consortsEPP1654
PercussionEarly views on percussionEPP167-174
Old TestiamentOn percussionEPP167ff
CervantesDescribes cymbalsEPP171
Performance practiceEarly views on MemorizationEPP175ff
Performance practiceOn the eye; Sufi parableEPP179
MS, A, 16th c.Textless works for ensembleWH, VI23
MS, CS, 16th c.12 textless works, one polyphonicWH, VI23
MS, DK, 16th c.54 ens works, king Christian IIIWH, VI24
MS, DK, 1556Huge library, Christian III ensembleWH, VI24–28
MS, DK, 1580-1588Large collection ens, incompleteWH, VI28-30
MS, GB, 16th c.54 textless ensemble worksWH, VI31
MS, GB, 16th c.25 textless ens works, Henry VIIIWH, VI31
Busnois, 16th c.“Fortuna desperata” for ensembleWH, VI31
Ghizeghim, MS, 16th“alles regretz,” for ensembleWH, VI31
Cowper, MS, 16th c.One three part work for ensembleWH, VI31
Tallis, MS, 16th c.“In Nomines: for 4 part ensembleWH, VI31
MS, GB, 16tth c.170 textless ensemble worksWH, VI32
Holborne, Anthony65 5-part wind ensemble worksWH, VI33ff
Coprario, John, 16th“Verse” for cornett, sackbut, organWH, VI36
Ashton, Hugh, 16th c“Hornpype,” for ensembleWH, VI36
Blancks, Edward, 16th“Motet” 12-part textless ensembleWH, VI36
Ferrabosci, “young”“Pavana,” 16th c. ensesmbleWH, VI36
Holborne, A.26 additional ensemble worksWH, VI36ff
MS, F, 16th c.6 works for wind ensembleWH, VI37
MS, F, 16th c.30 ensemble works, early kingsWH, VI38
PR Attaingnant, 153357 works for 4-part wind ensembleWH, VI38ff
PR Gombert 15333 works for wind enssembleWH, VI38ff
PR Testa, 1533One work for wind ensembleWH, VI38
PR Jannequin, 1533One work for wind ensembleWH, VI38
PR Certon, 1533Two works for wind ensembleWH, VI38
PR Guyon, 1533One work for wind ensembleWH, VI38
PR Manchicourt, P.,Two works for wind ensembleWH, VI38ff
PR BourguignonOne work for wind ensembleWH, VI38
PR Jacotin, 1533Three works for wind ensembleWH, VI38
PR Richafort, 1533One work for wind ensembleWH, VI38
PR Lupus, 1533Five works for Franz I, 1805WH, VI38ff
PR Adorne, 133One work for wind ensembleWH, VI38
PR Lemaire, J.,One work for wind ensembleWH, VI38
PR Claudin, 1533Nine works for wind ensesmbleWH, VI39ff
PR Bridam, 1533One work for wind ensembleWH, VI39
PR Heurteurs, 15v33Five works for Franz I, 1805WH, VI39
PR Le Gendre, 1533One work for wind ensembleWH, VI39
PR Passereau, 1533Five works for Franz I, 1805WH, VI39ff
PR Vermont, 1533One work for wind ensembleWH, VI39
PR Attaingnant, 153012 works for any ensembleWH, VI40
PR Attaingnant 153051 works for any ensembleWH, VI40ff
PR Attaingnant 154750 works for any ensembleWH, VI42ff
PR Moderne, c. 155051 works for wind ensemblesWH, VI46
PR Attaingnant 155933 works for any ensembleWH, VI46ff
PR Attaingnant 155053 works for any ensembleWH, VI47ff
PR Gervaise 155531 dances for any ensembleWH, VI50ff
PR Gervaise1556`32 dances for any ensembleWH, VI51FF
PR Attaingnant 155719 dances for any ensembleWH, VI52ff
PR d’Estree 155958 wind works, king’s wind bandWH, VI54
PR d”Estree 155956 wind works, king’s wind bandWH, VI54
PR d;Estree155944 wind works, king’s wind bandWH, VI54ff
PR d’Estree 156434 wind works, king’s wind bandWH, VI55
PR Le Roy 15825 works, one 12 voices, any ensWH, VI55
PR Arbeau 1588One pavan in four partsWH, VI56
PR Cordeilles 1540Three works for Lyon civic bandWH, VI56
MS DK 1541-154324 wind works, Albert of PrussiaWH, VI57
MS D 16th c.550 textless works for any ensemb.WH, VI57-61
Erbach, ChristianOne 5-part textless work WH, VI57
Philip of Hesse court8 textless worksWH, VI59
Erbach, ChristianA 5-part canzona, 16th c.WH, VI61
Bramieri 16th c.An 8-part canzonaWH, VI61
Lichtlein 16th cA 6-part “capriccio de cornetti”WH, VI61
PR Koln, c. 1519138 works for winds, inc.Isaac, etcWH, VI61
Orologio, 1597PR 28 Intradas for wind ensembleWH, VI61
PR, D, 16th c.Over 600 textless worksWH, VI62-70
PR, D, c. 1600Military band music in 6 part booksWH, VI66
PR Lindner, 1589“Fanasia Capriccio” in 4 partsWH, VI70
PR Lutkemann 159732 civic band works, inc.”Innsbruck”WH, VI71
PR Agricola, 1561Theory book with 54 textless worksWH, VI76
PR Augsburg 1540`42 wind works by trumpeterWH, VI76
MS Anonymous4 Sonate; for BombardiWH, VI76
MS Cornazzani,Wind work for 4 choirs, c 1552WH, VI77
MS Heugel, Johann“Lerman” for windsWH, VI77`
MS Stolzer, Thomas““Erzuerne dich dicht” for crumhornsWH, VI77
MS Walther, Johann26 Fugen for cornettsWH, VI78
MS Anonymous 16thTen-part Canzon for any inst.WH, VI78
MS Herwich, 16th c.61 works for any inst.WH, VI78
MS Lechner, Leon“Pavana Lachrymae” in 4 partsWH, VI78
MS H, 16th c.6 textless works for any instrumentsWH, VI79
MS, I, 16th c.Some 300 textless worksWH, VI80-82
MS, I, c.1502Textless works, for Isabella d’Este`WH, VI80
PR, I, Buus, 1547Ten textless ricercaresWH, VI82
PR, I, Malvezzi, 1577`Tten Textless ricercaresTen textless rficercrfesWH, VI82
PR, I, 1585Four canzonas by MeruloWH, VI82
PR, I, 1585One canzon by CrequitionWH, VI82
PR, I, 1585One canzon by GuamiWH, VI82
PR, I, 1585One canzon by Al SfoiWH, VI82
PR, I, 1585One canzon by ChabrilWH, VI82
PR, I, 16th c.33 polyhphonic works for any inst.WH, VI82
PR, I, Maschera,160321 conzonas from BresciaWH, VI82
PR, I, 1596Banchieri, 14 works for wind enc.WH, VI82ff
PR, I, Venice, 1584Il Vero Modo, Dalla Casa for windsWH, VI83ff
PR, I, Venice, 1584Il Vero Modo, part two for windsWH, VI85
PR, I, Venice, 1590Gabrieli, Andrea works for windsWH, VI85ff
PR, I, Venice, 1597Gabrieli, Giovanni works for windsWH, VI86-88
Gabrieli, Andreaworks for windsWH, VI85ff
Gabrieli, Giovanniworks for windsWH, VI86-88
MerloFour canzonas by MeruloWH, VI82
CrequitionOne canzon by CrequitionWH, VI82
GuamiOne canzon by GuamiWH, VI82
Al SfoiOne canzon by Al SfoiWH, VI82
ChabrilOne canzon by ChabrilWH, VI82
Isabella d’EsteTextless works for ensembleWH, VI80
Stolzer, Thomas“Erzuerne dich dicht” for crumhornsWH, VI77
Walther, Johannes26 Fugen for cornettsWH, VI78
Heugel, Johannes“Lerman” for windsWH, VI77
Herwich61 works for any inst.WH, VI78
Lechner, Leon“Pavana Lachrymae” in 4 partsWH, VI78
PR numerousMany works for any; enssembleWH, VI88-104
Bounavita, 16th c“Musik” for 10 winds, organWH, VI104
Corteccia, 16thcThree works for wind ensembleWH, VI104ff
Della Casa, Nic.16th c.Canzoni et madrifgali for windsWH, VI105
PR numerousMany works for any; enssembleWH, VI105-118
Susato, Tielman 16t cAntwerp civic wind band repeoireWH, VI`121-122
PR numerousMany works for any enssembleWH, VI123-126
PerformanceEssay on early performersDEM3-13
AristotleObservations on performanceDEM9
CiceroReference to an aulos recitalDEM7
Guido of ArezzoOn cadencesDEM11
SingingEssay on ancient singersDEM15-37
SngingAristotle: voice is soulDEM15
AristotleVoice same as soulDEM15
SingingNero as singerDEM22-26
SingingIsidore. 600 AD on voice typesDEM35
Isidore of SevilleOn voice typesDEM35
Aurelian of ReomeThe difference: singer & musicianDEM36
SingingThe difference: singer & musicianDEM36
Music in SocietyOn the ancient RhapsodistDEM39-46
RhapsodistOn the ancient RhapsodistDEM38-46
WomenDescriptions of early performersDEM47-57
ConductorsDescrfiptions of early conductorsDEM59-69
ConductorsIn ancienf EgyptDEM59-60
ConducdorsBach as conductorDEM65
ConductorsMattheson: education of conductorsDEM66ff
Bach, J. S.Description as conductorDEM65
MozartAs opea conducorDEM68
OboeDescrition of the ancient aulosDEM71-82
TrumpetDescription of the ancient trumpetDEM83-90
TrumpetOn the medieval trumpetDEM93-98
MinstrelOn the medieval JongleurDEM99-108
MinstrelOn the medieval minstrelDEM109-120
TroubadoursOn the medievala troubadoursDEM121-139
French RomancesMusic of the medieval romancesDEM141-145
MinnesingerMusic of the medieval MinnesingerDEM147-161
SingingMusic of the medieval MinnesingerDEM147-161
GoliardsMusic of the medieval GolardsDEM163-168
SingingMusic of the medieval GolardsDEM163-168
Music in SocietyBaroque Musical scene in ItalyAM, VI1-27
Music in SocietyBaroque Italian CourtAM, VI1-13
MonteverdiOn working for Italian courtsAM, VI1ff, 21
OperaEarly Italian OperaAM, VI10ff
MetastasioEarly Italian OperaAM, VI13
Civic MusicEarly Baroque Italian civic musicAM, VI14-17
Music in ReligionE arly Baroque Italian church musicAM, VI17-26
Music in ReligionPraetoius on church concertiAM, VI17
Music in ReligionGiustiniani on Italian church musicAM, VI18-19
ImprovisationIn Baroque Italian Church musicAM, VI18, 20
FrescobaldiOn his organ playingAM, VI20
GiustinianiBaroque Italian singerAM, VI18ff
Scuole San RoccoPrivate Italian performanceAM, VI22ff
Music educationVenice Ospedali for girlsAM, VI23ff
VivaldiComposing for the OspedaliAM, VI25ff
Military MusicItalian Baroque after Paris syleAM, VI27
OperaOn the Italian CamerataAM, VI29-44
CamerataBeginning of operaAM, VI29-44
Guido of ArezzoAestheticsME27
GuFido of ArezzoAestheticsAM, II261
John of SalisburyAestheticsAM, II313ff
Jacques de LiegeAestheticsAM, II87ff
Al-Farabi, 900 ADAestheticsAM, II254ff
BoethiusAestheticsAM, II183, 113ff
CassiodorusAestheticsAM, II187, 219ff
Isadore of SevilleAestheticsAM, II221ff
AurelianMujsica Disciplina 843 ADAM, II248ff
HucbaldDe Harmonica, 895 ADAM, II253
AnonymousScholia Enchiradis, 900 ADAM. II254
Al-FarabiDe Ortu ScientiarumAM, II265ff
Odo of ClunyEnchiridion, 935 ADAM, II256ff
Aesthetics17th century Italian musiciansAM, VI45-69
Music in ReligionSt. Petronio choral practiceAM, VI45ff
Scarlatti, AlessandroAnti-winds commentAM, VI47
Gasparini, FrancescoThree requirements for a musicianAM. VI47
TosiOn the new Baoque singing styleAM, VI48, 54ff
Purpose of MusicNew Baroque styleAM, VI50, 109ff
Cavalieri, EmilioOn the new operatic styleAM, VI50
Emotion in MusicNew Baroque styleAM, VI51
MetastasioOn emotion in singersAM, VI51
SingersNew Baroque styleAM, VI51
Geminiani FrancescoEmotion in musicAM. VI51
Frescobaldi,GirolamoEmotion is in the musicAM, VI53
Bonachelli, GiovanniTempo is affected by wordsAM,.VI53
Performance practiceNew;Baroque styleAM, VI54
ImprovisationNew Baroque styleAM, VI55, 58ff
SingingTosi on manners of singersAM, VI56
Emotion in MusicGeminiani, purpose of ornamentsAM, VI64
Music educationTosi,on Italian BroqueAM, VI66
Music in ReligionComments on new Baroque styleAM, VI67ff
Music in SocietyViews in 17th c. Italian literatureAM, VI71-87
AestheticsIn 17th c. Italian literatureAM, VI76ff
Kircher, AthanasiusMajor discussion on musicAM, VI79-86
CourtSpain 17th c.AM, VI89-92
AestheticsIn 17th c. Spanish literatureAM, VI93-104
AestheticsIn 17th c. Spanis DramaAM, VI105-120
Calderon, Don PedroAesthetics, 17th c. Spanish dramaAM, VI105ff
Music of the Spheres17th c. Spanish dramaAM, VI109
Molina, Tirso deAesthetics in 17th c. Spanish dramaAM, VI108ff
AestheticsIn German BaroqueAM, VI121-149
CourtGerman BaroqueAM, VI123135
Horse balletGerman BaroqueAM, VI128ff
HautboistenIn German Baroque courtsAM, VI131ff
TrumjpetGerman Baroque trumpset choirsAM, VI133ff
Civic MusicGerman BaroqueAM, VI135-142
Civic MusicStudent applicant resumeAM, VI137
Civic MusicGerman tower music dutiesAM, VI137ff
Reiche, GottfriedGerman 17th c. civic band leaderAM, VI139
Speer, DanielMusicalisches Kleeblatt, 17th c.AM,VI139
Music in SocietyGerman music collegiumAM, VI140ff
TelemannGerman civic musicAM, VI141ff
Music in SocietyTelemann on pseasant musicAM, VI142
Music in ReligionBaroque German church musicAM, VI142-146
Military MusicGerman 17th c., and Turkish bandsAM, VI146-149
Kreiger, JohannRare 17th c. German concert musicAM, VI149
AestheticsViews of 17th c. German musiciansAM, VI151-160
Heinichen, JohannCompares old style with new styleAM, VI153, 164ff
Purpose of MusicGerman 17th c., “refresh the spirit”AM, VI161
Muffat, GeorgeOn performance practiceAM, VI168ff
ImprovisationGerman 17th c., famous Bach storyAM, VI169ff
Music educationGerman 17h c.; Niedt’s studentAM, VI174ff
AestheticsViews of Johann MatthesonAM, VI161-219
Purpose of MujsicJohann Mattheson, 1681-1764AM, VI200ff-211
ImprovisationJohann Mattheson, 1681-1764AM, VI212ff
ConductingJohann Mattheson, 1681-1764AM, VI215
Music educationJohann Mattheson, 1681-1764AM, VI217ff
Music in SocietyAncient secular societiesMAS3-16
Music in SocietyEarly olympicsMAS4, 17
FluteOvid, origin of the panpipeMAS10ff
ContestsLongus on a mythical contestMAS16
MythOrigin of the echoMAS16
Music in SocietyAncient secular festivalsMAS17-32
PlatoOn major Greek festivalsMAS18-23
Music in SocietyEarly Roman festivalsMAS23ff
Music in ReligionChurch opposed to early festivalsMAS31ff
ConcertsAccounts of ancient concert hallsMAS33-37
ConcertsAccounts of early concertsMAS39-53
ChoralAncient Greek chorusesMAS55-67
PlatoOn ancient Greek chorusesMAS62-65
ChoralOn ancient Roman chorusesMAS69-74
Duns ScotusAestheticsAM, II299ff
GrossetesteAestheticsAM, II297ff
DanteAestheticsAM, II397ff
Chansons de GesteAesheticsAM, II355ff
TroubadoursAestheticsAM, II369ff
MinnesingersAestheticsAM, II417ff
GollardsAestheticsAM, II427ff
GrocheoDe MusicaAM, II437ff
John of SalisburyAestheticsAM, II120
Petrarch, 1304-1374AestheticsAM, ii139FF
Machaut, 1300-1377AestheticsAM, III69-103
John XXII, popeAM, III90ff,100
Nicholas V, popeAestheticsAM, III161
Alberti, LeonAestheticsAM, III164ff
Ficino, MarsilioAestheticsAM, III164ff
Ugolino of OrvietgoAestheticsAM, III165
Valgulio, CarloAestheticsAM, III170
Gaffuiro, FranchinoAestheticsAM, III171
Martin le FrancAestheticsAM, III211
DufayAestheticsAM, III211, 228
BinchoisAestheticsAM, III211, 228
Nicholas de CusaAestheticsAM, III253ff
GlareanArtists “born or made?”NW115
Cardano, GirolamaAestheticsAM, IV161-176
MichelangeloAestheticsAM, IV179-191
MontaigneAestheticsAM, IV233ff
Erasmus,1469-1536AestheticsAM, V7-55
Luther, MartinAestheticsAM, V87-96
Praetorius, 1618AestheticsAM, V153-181
ShakespeareAestheticsAM, V341-385
PlatoAestheticsAM, I237-264
AristotleAestheticsAM, I252-264
Leonardo da VinciAestheticsAM, III192-210
Pliny the ElderAnimalsAM, I478
Albertus Magnujs, AnimalsAM, II301ff
Caligula, emperorPunishes singer, ApellesAM, I459
Germany, post warAestheticsAM, VI221-232
Bicameral brainGerman literatujreAM, VI221ff
Schutz, HeinrichTributeAM, VI222ff
Purpose of Music17th c. GermanyAM, VI223ff
GrimmelshausenAestheticsAM, VI227ff
Leibniz, GottfriedAestheticsAM, VI233ff
EducationLeibniz, for the soulAM, VI243
Art and NatureLeibnizAM, VI246ff
Purpose of MusicLeibnizAM, V I248ff
OperaLeibnizAM, VI254ff
Leibniz, GottfriedSuggestions for a world fairAM, VI256
Kepler, JohannesMusic of the Spheres, treatiseAM, VI259-276
Civic MusicThe 17th c. Low CountriesAM, VI278ff
Music in ReligionThe 17th c. Low CountriesAM, VI`280ff
Military MusicMilitary Guilds, 17th c. paintingAM, VI281
AestheticsGottfried LeibnizAM, VI233ff
AestheticsSpinoza, BenedictAM, VI293ff
Spinoza, 1632-1677AestheticsAM, VI293-
EmotionsSpinoza on moral implications of AM,VI292ff
Huygens, ChristianMusic of the SpheresAM, VI300
Senses17th c. HuygensAM, VI301
CourtMusic of the Ancient Courts, essayMAS75-86
Old TestiamentBand of NebuchadnezzarMAS75
CourtEgyptian music school, wall artMAS76ff
ConcertBlind musician, HomerMAS77
HomerBlind musician, “The Odyssey”MAS77ff
Landini, FrancescoFamous blind musicianMAS79
TrumpetOld Testament descriptionMAS81
AntigonusMusic teacher of Alex. The GreatMAS82
OvidFestival of JunoMAS83
Music in SocietyOvid, Festival of JunoMAS83
Concert HallsThe Odeum, PlutarchMAS83
Caligula, emperorAs listenerMAS85
Nero, emperorSudied lyre wih TerpnosMAS86
Titus, emperorMastered the harpMAS86
HarpTitus, Roman emperor played itMAS86
TheaterAncient Theater music, essayMAS87ff
TheaterSt. Augustine on decline in RomeMAS102
TheaterCassiodorus describesMAS103
St. AugustineOn the decline of theater in RomeMAS102
CassiodorusDescribes 6th c. theaterMAS103
ContestsMusic contests in Ancient timesMAS107-120
Music in SocietyBanquet music in ancient timesMAS137-148
Music in SocietyWedding music in ancient timesMAS149-155
Music in SocietyFuneral music in ancient timesMAS157-160
Military MusicMilitary music in ancient timesMAS161-171
XenophonHow dance and music help soldierMAS162
Old TestiamentReferences to battle musicMAS165ff
Military MusicSoldiers singingMAS166ff
TrumpetFamous ghost trumpeterMAS167
TrumpetConfusion in battleMAS169
Military MusicMedieval military music, essayMAS175-182
Military Music“The Song of Roland”MAS177-181
CourtMusic of medieval courts, essayMAS183-193
CourtJulian 4th c., composedMAS184
OrganDescription of 4th c. water organMAS184
CharlemagneInterest in musicMAS186ff
Civic MusicMedieval civic music essayMAS195ff
Grocheo, JohannesOn early musical formsMAS200ff, 209ff
ChoralOn the medieval chorus essayMAS203ff
Muuic in ReligionSt. Basil on two-part singing 4th c.MAS205
CharlemagneIn church singingMAS207
Music in ReligionGrocheo on church music formsMAS209ff
DanceCardano, “the sixth part of music”MAS210
CardanoDance is the 6th part of musicMAS210
GuicciardiniAudienceAM, IV`24
AristotleStudent, AristoxenusAM, I194
Marcus AureliusArt and NatureAM, I487
Seneca, 3 BC -63 ADArt and NatureAM, I500
Longinus, first centuryArt and NatureAM, II21
GalenArt and NatureAM, II22
AristotleDark AgesMR115
BrunoAudienceAM. IV24
GalileiAudienceAM, IV61ff
ZarlinoAudienceAM, IV61ff
OvidBacchus festivalMR40
HautboistenTraditionWH, III3-21
HautboistenBandsWH, III57-60
Sperger42 partitas for Cardinal BatthyanyWH, IV33
HarmoniemusikBeethoven, Op. 103WH, IV51ff
MeyerowitzOn form in BeethovenAM, I29
St. BernardBernard of Clairvaux, 1090-1153AM, II311ff
Montaigne, 16th cBicameral brainWM`249
Mace, ThomasBicameral b rainWM`255
Mauchat, GuillaumeBicamerial brainWM`247ff
FroissartBicameral brainWM`248
Luther, MartinBicameral: music is feelingWM`249
Scheibe, JohannBicmaeral brainWM`250
Muffat, GeorgBicameral brainWM250
Mattheson, JohannBicameral brainWM250
Du Bois, JeanBicameral brainWM252
Batteuix, CharlesBicameral brainWM253ff
ShenstoneOn genetic musicWM256
Liszt, FranzBicameral brainWM257
Wagner, RichardBicameral brainWM257
Anderson, Hans C.Biocameral brainWM257
Chesterfield, LordBicameral brainWM257
Hugo, VictorBicameral brainWM257
Grenville, FulkeBicameral brainAM, V254ff
GreeneBicameral brainAM, V294ff
PlutarchBicameral brainAM, I306ff
Avison, CharlesBicameral brainWM254ff
DanteIf ruled by emotion = beastWM145
Schumann, RobertTrjst feeling, not reasonWM145
VoltaireBicameral brainWM93, 161
Motopus, 5th c. BCBicameral brainAM, I153
FranceBaroque musical scene in FranceAM, VII1-18
CourtFrance “Les Grands Hautbois”AM, VII1-3ff
Court“Musettes et Hautbois du Poitou”`AM, VII3
Court“Les Cromornes”AM, VII4
Court“Les Fifres et Tambours”AM, VII4
Percussion“Les Fifres et Tambours”AM, VII4
Trumpet“Les Trompettes”AM, VII4ff
Military Music“Maison Militaire”AM, VII4ff
ConcertLully, Louis XIVAM, VII5
MoliereAuthor, play, Louis XIVAM, VII6tff
CourtParis, quality music in pageantAM, VII8
LullyParis, duties as head of musicAM, VII8ff
La MaupinParis opera singer great storyAM, VII9ff
Civic MusicParis, Academie FrancaiseAM, VII10ff
PoupliniereParis, private concertsAM, VII11
Civic MusicBy-laws, Strasbourg civic mujsicAM, VII11ff
Slave MusicBaroque, ship slave musiciansAM, VII13
Music in ReligionFrance, instruments begin to appearAM, VII14
TrumpetFrance, use in militaryAM, VII15ff
Military MusicFrance, psychological value of tptAM, VII15ff
Mersenne, MarinValue of trumpet in military musicAM, VII15ff
Military MusicFirst coordinated marchingAM, VII17
Military MusicMaurfice de Saxe, 1696-1750AM, VII17ff
Military MusicFrance, concerts in the fieldAM, VII18
ConcertsFrance, military bandsAM, VII18
AestheticsBaroque French musiciansAM, VII19-35
Philosophy of MusicBaroque French on TasteAM, VII22-24
Purpose of MusicBaroque French musiciansAM, VII24ff
Charpentier, 17th c.Equates emotion and tonalityAM, VII24
RameaujEmotion and tonalityAM, VII25
EmotionEmotion and TimeAM, VII26ff
Couperin, 1668-1733Performance vs notationAM, VII27
PerformanceBaroque, feelings come firstAM, VII28ff
Listener of MusicRameau, feelings, not wordsAM, VII29
RameaujListen to: feelings not wordsAM, VII29
Performance practiceFrench Baroque musiciansAM, VII30ff
Mujsic educationFrench Baroque musiciansAM, VII33ff
Mersenne, MarinFrench Baroque philosopherAM, VII37ff
Mersenne, Marin“Harmonie universelle,” 1636AM, VIII37ff
Mersenne, MarinAestheticsAM, VII40–67
SensesMersenne, French BaroqujeAM, VII41-43
Philosophy of MusicMersenne on Perception of musicAM, VII46ff
Purpose of MusicMersenne, French BaroqujeAM, VII49-68
NotationMersenne wants based on feelingAM, VII53ff
Emotion in MusicMersenne:AM, VII55ff
Emotion in MusicRelationship to vowelsAM, VII59
Emotion in MujsicMersenne on notation AM, VII60ff
DanceMersenne on dance and healthAM, VII67ff
Performance practiceMersenneAM, VII68-78
OrganMersenne commentsAM, VII76
CondujcingMersenne on the beatAM, VII77ff
Music educationMerssenneAM, VII78ff+
Philosophy of MusicMersenne on intervalsAM, VII80ff
Machaut, 1300-1377Life and works, essayRM1-15
Petrarch, 1304-1374Life and works, essayRM17-34
Boccaccio, GiovanniLife and works, essayRM35-48
Chaucer, GeoffrfeyLife and works, essayRM49-68
Leonarfdo da VinciLife and works, essayRM69-79
Castiglione, Bald.Life and works, essayRM81–90
MichelangeloLife and works, essayRM91-97
Cardino, GirolamoLife and works, essayRM99-111
ErasmiusLife and works, essayRM113-129
AestheticsBaroque French AcademiesRM131-140
Music educationParis, Free School of MusicWH, IV82ff
Bochsa“Requiem for Louis XVIWH, V143
Berlioz“Symphony for BandWH, V144ff
Vessella, AlessandroBand instrumentation chartsWH, V159
CelliniPapal performanceAM, IV`33
HarmoniemusikAM, I10ff, 16ff
BottrigariOn large ensemblesAM, IV78ff+
Music in ReligionFrench vs ItalianAM, VII160-161
Du Bos, 1670-1742Goal of Art is pleasureAM, VII84
CatharsisDu Bos, 17th c.AM, VII84
Art and NatureDu Bos, 17th c.AM, VII84
AestheticsFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII83-161
Bicameral brainFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII86-90
SensesFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII91-96
EducationFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII96-100
EmotionsFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII101-105
BeautyFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII196-109
Art and NatureFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII109-112
PoetsFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII112-118
Beauty in MusicFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII120-122
Taste in MusicFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII122-126
Perception in MusicFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII126-128
Purpose of MusicFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII128-134
Music in SocietyFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII134-138
PerformanceFrench vs Italian Music, 17th c.AM, VII138-147
SingersFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII141-144
ImprovisationFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII147-149
OperaFrench philosophers, 17th c.AM, VII148-159
Music educationFrench vs ItalianAM, VII159-160
Descartes, ReneViews on musicAM, VII163-182
AestheticsDescartesAM, VII164-180
SensesDescartesAM, VII166-168
EmotionsDescartesAM, VII168-177
Purpose of MusicDescartesAM, VII179180
Perception in MusicDescartesAM, VII180-182
TheaterMusic in French DramaAM, VII183-211
AestheticsIn French dramaAM, VII193-204
AudienceIn French dramaAM, VII199-200
Purpose of MusicIn French dramaAM, VII205-207
AestheticsIn French fictionAM, VII213-225
Music and characterIn French fictionAM, VII220
Music in SocietyFrench manners, 17th c.AM, VII227-242
Bicameral brainFrance, 17th c.AM, VII229
AesheticsFrench 17th c. upper classAM, VII230-234
OperaFrench 17th c. upper classAM, VII234-236
Music in ReligionFrench 17th c. upper classAM, VII238-240
VoltaireAs PhilosopherAM, VII243-281
Bicameral brainVoltaireAM, VII247-250
SensesVoltaire summary on languageAM, VII250-252
AestheticsVoltaireAM, VII254-271
OperaVoltaireAM, VII271-279
Music in ReligionVoltaire on the Te Deum and warAM, VII280
VoltaireAs playwrightAM, VII283-299
VoltaireAs poetAM, VII301-316
Bicameral brainVoltaireAM, VII303-304
AestheticsVoltaireAM, VII305-
TrumpetVoltaire referencesAM, VII314-316
VoltaireAs writer of fictionAM, VII317-325
Bicameral brainVoltaire AM, VII319-320
AestheticsVoltaire in his fictionAM, VII320-324
Music in ReligionVoltaire questions purposeAM, VII324-325
Music in SocietyIn 14th c., essayRPM3-11
Landini, FrancescoEveryone is a composer, 14th c.RPM4
John XXII, popeAttack on the Ars novaRPM6ff
Petrarch, 1304-1374Questions the Ars novaRPM9FF
Machaut, 1300-1377On the Ars novaRPM10ff
ChaucerOn the Ars nova and feelingsRPM11
Hanslick, EuardBand reviewWH, V100
Maschek, PaulBattle of LeipzigWH, V102ff
Ormandy, EugeneRehearsal theoryhPC39
Giulini, Cadrlo MariaRole of conductorPC42
Sufi parableFamous parablePC30
Oboe contgestsAulos contests in ancient GreeceAM, I111
PlatoAM, I232ff
AristotleDdisapporoveso of constestsWH, I39
Ferdinand & IsabellaBandsWH, I223ff
Charles I17th c. English courtgAM, VIII4ff
Court17th c. England, Charles IAM,VIII4ff
TrumpetAs passport functionAM, VIII5
Court17th c. England, Charles IIAM, VIII7
Civic Music17th c. English concertsAM, VIII9
Concerts17th c. English private concertsAM, VIII9
Civic Music17h c. English Wait bandsAM, VIII12
Minstrels17th c. EnglandAM, VIII15
Music in Religion17th c. EnglandAM, VIII16ff
Military Music17th c. English requirementsAM, VIII19ff
AestheticsBaroque EnglandAM, VIII21-39
Avison, CharlesAestheticsAM, VIII21, 30ff
Butler, CharlesAesthetics English BaroqueAM, VIII22ff, 27ff
Flud, RobertAesthetics English BaroqueAM, VIII24ff
Music in SocietyJohn Playford, 1674AM, VIII25ff
Playford, JohnIntroduction to the Skill of MusicAM, VIII25ff
Purpose of MusicEnglish BaroqueAM, VIII27ff
InspirationWm Byrd, English BaroqueAM, VIII28
Byrd, WilliamOn InspirationAM, VIII28
Simson, ChristopherPurpose of MusicAM, VIII29
Emotions in MusicOn “Ethos” English BaroqujeAM, VIII32ff
Emotions in MusicJohn Playford, 1674AM, VIII33
Performance PracticeEnglish BaroqueAM, VIII34ff
Music EducationHandel as a teacherAM, VIII36
HandelAs a teacherAM, VIII36
Music in ReligionPuritan influenceAM, VIII37ff
AestheticsRoger North, EnglandAM, VIII41ff
Music in SocietyRoger North, EnglandAM, VIII45ff
Purpose of MusicRoger North, EnglandAM, VIII46ff
Performance PracticeRoger NorthAM, VIII50ff
SingingRoger NorthAM, VIII51ff
ImprovisaionRogero NorthAM, VIII53ff
Music EducationRoger NorthAM, VIII54ff
AestheticsJacobean philosophyAM, VIII57-75
Burton, RobertOn Melancholy and the “humors”AM, VIII57ff
Harvey, WmOn Anatomy, 1578-1657AM, VIII59ff
EducationJoseph Hall, English BaroqueAM, VIII63
EmotionsRev. Joseph Hall, 1574-1`656AM, VIII65ff
Hall, Joseph, Rev.English BaroqueAM, VIII65ff
Purpose of MusicPuritans, English BaroqueAM, VIII69ff
Music in ReligionJohn Bunyan, English BaroqueAM, VIII74ff
AestheticsFrancis Bacon, 1561-1626AM, VIII77-91
Bacon, FrancisEnglish BaroqueAM, VIII77-91
EmotionsFrancis Bacon, 1561-1626AM, VIII80ff
BeautyFrancis Bacon, 1561-1626AM, VIII82
Art and NatureFrancis Bacon, 1561-1626AM, VIII82ff
Purpose of MusicFrancis Bacon, 1561-1626AM, VIII89
Performance praciceFrancis Bacon, 1561-1626AM, VIII90ff
AestheticsJacobean PoetryAM, VIII93-127
Bicameral brainEng. Baroque, reason vs emotionAM, VIII97-101
Purpose of MusicEnglish BaroqueAM, VIII108-116
Music in ReligionEnglish BaroqueAM, VIII123-127
Milton, John b. 1608AestheticsAM, VIII129ff
Bicameral brainMilton: Reason must ruleAM, VIII129ff
Music of the SpheresMilton:AM, VIII141ff
Pythagoras, 5th c. BCDiscused by MiltonAM, VIII141ff
Purpose of MusicMiltonAM, VIII143ff
Music educationMiltonAM, VIII146ff
Music in ReligionMiltonAM, VIII147-153
AestheticsJacobean TheatreAM, VIII155-208
Dekker, ThomasJacobean ThseatreAM, VIII155ff
Middleton, ThomasJacobean TheatreAM, VIII155ff
Heyhwood, ThomasJacobean TheatreAM, VIII156ff
Jonson, BenJacobean TheatreAM, VIII156ff
Webster JohnJacobean TheatreAM, VIII157ff
Marston, JohnJacobean TheatreAM, VIII157ff
Ford, JohnJacobean TheatreAM, VIII158ff
Beaumont, FletcherJacobean TheatreAM, VIII159ff
BandsEnglish Wait bandsAM, VIII159ff
Music in SocietyJacobean TheatreAM, VIII165-173
Pujrpose of Musidc Jacobean TheatreAM, VIII173ff
Chapman, GeorgeJacobean TheatreAM, VIII162ff
Tourneur, CyrilJacobean TheatreAM, VIII173ff
PerformanceMusic forms in English playsAM, VIII183
TrumpetDescription in English playsAM, VIII184ff
PerformanceInstrumental use in English playsAM, VIII184ff
PercussionUse in English playsAM, VIII186ff
SerenadesIn English playsAM, VIII193ff
Music educationIn English playsAM, VIII197yff
Music in religionIn English playsAM, VIII198ff
AestheticsJacobean TheatreAM, VIII209-222
Bicameral brainReason vs emotionsAM, VIII209ff
AestheticsIn Jacobean proseAM, VIII209ff
Purpose of MusicJacobean proseAM, VIII217ff
Music in religionJacobean proseAM, VIII218ff
AestheticsRestoration PhilosophersAM, VIII223-301
Hobbes, ThomasAesthetics, 1588-1679AM, VIII223-231
Bicameral brainHobbesAM, VIII224-225
SensesHobbesAM, VIII226
Perception in MusicHobbesAM, VIII230
Locke, JohnAesthetics, 1632-1704AM, VIII231-237
Bicameral brainLockeAM, VIII231-233
EducationLockeAM, VIII233
Newton, IsaacAesthetics, 1642-1727AM, VIII237-241
EducationNewtonAM, VIII237ff
Penn, WilliamAesthetics, 1633-1718AM, VIII241-245
EducationPennAM, VIII242ff
Hume, DavidAesthetics, 1711-1776AM, VIII235-258
BeautyHumeAM, VIII251
UniversalityHumeAM, VIII252
Taste in MusicHumeAM, VIII253-255
Berkeley, GeorgeAesthetics, 1685-1753AM, VIII258-262
Bicameral brainBerkeleyAM, VIII258-260
Temple, WilliamAesthetics, 1628-1699AM, VIII264-267
Rymer ThomasAesthetics, 1641-1713AM, VIII267-269
Wotton, WilliamAesthetics, 1666-1727AM, VIII269-274
Bicameral brainWottonAM, VIII270
Gildon, CharlesAesthetics, 1665-17124AM, VIII274-279
OperaGildonAM, VIII277-279
Cooper, AnthonyEarl of Shaftbury, 1671-1713AM, VIII279-289
Bicameral brainShaftburyAM, VIII279ff
Shaftbury, EarlAestheticsAM, VIII279-289
Harris, JamesAesthetics, 1709-1780AM, VIII300FF
TheatreEngland Restoration TheatreAM, VIII303-320
Congreve,WilliamAesthetics of musicAM, VIII308
Purpose of musicEnglish dramaAM, VIII309ff
Performance practiceEnglish dramaAM, VIII310ff
AestheticsEnglish dramaAM, VIII314-316
Music in religionEnglish dramaAM, VIII317-318
Dryden, JohnAesthetics, 1631-1700AM, VIII321-345
EducationDryden anti-professorsAM, VIII322
EmotionsDrydenAM, VIII322
Purpose of Musidc DrydenAM, VIII333-336
OperaDrydenAM, VIII336-340
PoetsEnglish Restoration poetryAM, VIII347-375
AestheticsEngland Restoration poetryAM, VIII350ff
Music in SocietyEnglish Restoration poetryAM, VIII351-354
St. CeciliaEnglish Restoration poetryAM, VIII354-358
Purpose of Musidc English Restoration poetryAM, VIII359-362
Music in religionEnglish Restoration poetryAM, VIII368-370
Military MusicEnglish Restoration poetryAM, VIII370-372
AestheticsEnglish Restoration Non-FictionAM, VIII377-389
EducationEnglish Restoration Non-FictionAM, VIII378ff
AudienceEnglish Restoration Non-FictionAM, VIII383ff
Music educationEnglish Restoration Non-FictionAM, VIII386-388
Music in religionEnglish Restoration Non-FictionAM, VIII388
HandelPremiere of “The Messiah”AM, VIII388
AestheticsEnglish Restoration FictionAM, VIII391-405
Purpose of Music English Restoration FictionAM, VIII393-395
OperaEnglish Restoration FictionAM, VIII401-404
Music in religionEnglish Restoration FictionAM, VIII404ff
TrumpetAs ambassadorAM, VIII405
AestheticsEnglish Restoration MannersAM, VIII407-429
Bicameral brainEnglish Restoration MannersAM, VIII407ff
TasteEnglish Restoration MannersAM, VIII412-414
BeautyEnglish Restoration MannersAM, VIII414ff
Perception in MusicEnglish Restoration MannersAM, VIII417-419
Purpose of musicEnglish Restoration MannersAM, VIII41
OperaEnglish Restoration MannersAM, VIII423-426
Pepys, SamuelAesthetics,1633-1703AM, VIII431-444
OperaPepysAM, VIII436ff
Civic MusicPepysAM, VIII438ff
Music in religionPepysAM, VIII440-442
Military MusicPepysAM, VIII443ff
AestheticsEnglish Restoration JournalsAM, VIII445-466
Perception of musicEnglish Restoration JournalsAM, VIII446-448
Emotions in musicEnglish Restoration JournalsAM, VIII448-451
OperaEnglish Restoration JournalsAM, VIII453-462
Music educationEnglish Restoration JournalsAM, VIII463
Music in religionEnglish Restoration JournalsAM, VIII463-465
“Well-Rounded Man”References in literatureRPM13-22
CourtiersReferences in English literatureRPM15-20
WomenIn praise of women, Eng. LiteratureRPM23-29
Music in society15th century valuesRPM33-43
Tinctoris, JohannesAesthetics, 1435-1511RPM45-56
Music in sociey16th c. values, Church opposedRPM57-72
PolyphonyEra ends in 16th centuryRPM73-81
HumanismOn the spread of Italian HumanismRPM83-94
HumanismErasmus on HumanismRPM95-104
Erasmus,1469-1536On HumanismRPM95-104
EducationRole of 16th c. universitiesRPM105-114
Cochlaeus, Joh.“Tetrachordum Musices,” 1511RPM115-117
Ornithoparchus, And.“Musice active micrologus,” 1517RPM117-121
Listenius, Nicholaus“Musica,” 1537RPM121-122
Glarean, Heinrich“Dodecachordon,” `1547RPM122-129
Coclico, Adrian“Compendium Musices,” 1552RPM129-134
Aesthetics16th comments on musicRPM137-148
Performance practice16th century commentsRPM149-162
Improvisation16th century commentsRPM163-169
Philip the GoodPersonal descriptionWH, I2346
Maxmilian IPlatesWH, I271-275
DurerPlates of wind triosWH, I7-8
Henry VIIIBands underWH, II15-29
Wolsey, CardinalBands ofWH, II22-24
Elizabeth IBands underWH, II36-54
Elizabeth IProgressesWH, II46-54
Holborne, AntonyBand music ofWH, II58ff
Francis I, of FranceBands under, 1515-1547WH, II62ff
Charles IX of FranceBands underWH, II73ff
Henry III of FranceBands underWH, II80ff
Henry IV of FranceBands underWH, II83ff
Charles VBands underWH, II89ff
Mary of HungaryWind instrument inventoryWH, II93, fn. 27
Philip IIWind instrument inventoryWH, II94, fn. 30
William V of BavariaWind activityWH, II98ff
Ferdinand IIWind instrument inventoryWH, II101, fn. 25
Philipps von Hessen16th c. activityWH, II104ff
Moritz, LandgrafHesse-Cassel windsWH, II105ff
Albert, duke, PrussiaWind activityWH, II107ff
Christian of SaxonyWind activityWH, II113ff
Christian , dukeWeissenfelsWH, III60
Ferdinand IIIEmperor, 1637-1657WH, III61
Leopold, emperorWinds, 1658-1705WH, III61
Maria TheresiaWater pageantWH, III63ff
James IPlatesWH, III77-83
Chales IIRestorationWH, III92-100
Ercole,dukeWind activity 1471-`1505AM, III179
Galeazzo MariaSforza, 1466-1476AM, III180
GiangaleazzoSforza, 15th c.AM, III180
Federigo da UrbinoWind activity, 1444-1482AM, III183
Lorenzo MagnificentFlorenceAM, III182
Frederick III“Weisskunig,” 1450AM, III277
Maximilian I, TriumphPlatesAM, III277ff
Alfonso VWind activity 1416-1458AM, III295
Fernando V of SpainBandsAM, III295ff
Isabella of SpainBandsAM, III395ff
Pachta, GrafPragueWH, IV22ff, 37
Esterhazy princesRole of playersWH, IV27ff
Esterhazy princesFinancial plight letterWH, IV30ff
HarmoniemusikMaximilianWH, IV51
Grands HautboisHistoryWH, IV63ff
PouplinierePrivate activity 1693-1762WH, IV65ff
TassoOn the courtierAM, IV2
Aretino, PietroOn court lifeAM, IV3ff
Francis I, of FranceGrands Hautbois, 1515-1547AM, IV193ff
Philip I of SpainWind activity 1594-1598AM, IV291
More, Sir ThomasWind activityAM, V254
ShakespeareOn the courtierAM, V342ff
MichaelangeloComments on AM, I 5
SocratesOn his geacher, Damon of AthensAM, I220
SophoclesOn danceAM, I171
Richter, Jean PaulDance is silent musicNW77
Cardano, 16th c.Dance is 6th part of musicNW79
ArbeauDance is mute rfhestoricNW92
SophoclesOn danceNW83
Agrippa, b. 1486Dance appears as madness NW82
Stubbs, 1583Dance is unclean and filthyNW92
Cardano, 18th c.DanceAM, IV174ff
BrantOn education, ship of foolsAM, III260ff
MontaigneEducationAM, IV248-253
Vives,EducationAM, IV275ff
Erasmus,1469-1536Education, discussionAM, V17ff
Luther, MartinEducation viewisAM, V84ff
Davies, Sir JohnEducation, 16th c. fictionAM, V250
Wagner, RichardEmotion in performanceAM, I36
St. AugustineOn emotion AM, II148ff
QuintlilianOn :PadthosAM, I484ff
Galen, doctorOn emotion NW55
MontaigneOn emotion AM, IV253-257
Longinus, 1st c.On emotion WM183
AristidesOn emotion WM183
Quintilian,30-96 ADOn emotion WM184
Aurelian of ReomeOn emotion wm184
John of SalisburyOn emotion WM185
ChaucerrOn emotion WM185
Galilei On emotion WM186FF
Greene, RobertOn emotion WM186
Michael de VeonaOn emotion WM186
Glarean, HeinrichOn emotion WM
IsacoffOn GesualdoWM187
GesualdoReference by IsacoffWM187
MontaigneOn emotion WM187
Francesco MilanoFamous performanceWM187
CorelliPlayhing violinWM188
CacciniOn emotion WM189
Cavalieri, EmiloOn emotion WM189
Marco da GaglianoOn emotion WM189
Marcello, BenedettoOn emotion WM190
Berardi, AngeloEmotion is the ruler of the soulWM190
GeminianiOn emotion WM190
TossiOn emotion WM189
Bernhard, ChristophOn emotion WM181
Mattheson, JohannOn emotion WM191ff
Heinichen, JOhannOn emotion WM191
BachOn emotion in chorale performanceWM196
BachHarpsichord lacks soulWM196
Batteux, CharlesOn emotion WM198ff
Rivaujlt, DavidOn emotion WM199
Du Bois, JeanOn emotion WM199
CouperinOn emotion WM299
RameauOn emotion WM200
Butler, SamuelOn emotion, a form of treasonWM200
Hobbes, ThomasEmotion is EthicsWM201
BerliozOn emotion WM201
Liszt, FranzOn emotion WM203
ChopinOn emotion WM203
VerdiOn emotion WH204
DukasOn emotion WH294
Reger, MaxOn emotion WH204
RavelOn emotion WH204
Wagner, RichardOn emotion WH`204, 206
Tolstoy, LeoOn emotion WH204
Schumann, ClaraOn emotion in BrahmsWH204
Rubinstein, ArthurOn emotion WH204
TchaikovskyOn emotion WH204
KierkegaardOn emotion WM205
StravinskyOn emotion not possibleWM205
Spencer, HerbertOn emotion MR27
LydgateOn emotion NW63
Saint-EvrfemondOn emotion NW70
Browne,Sir ThomasOn emotion WM18
Dryden, JohnOn emotion in individual insts.WM23ff
CardanoOn emotion AM, IV163
DiderotOn emotion WM197
MersenneOn emotion WM197
Raguenet, FrancoisOn emotion WM198
Chesterfield, LordOn emotion WM201
Dryden, JohnOn emotion in instrumentsWM201
AddisonOn emotion WM202ff
Karajan, HerfbertOn emotion WH205ff
Walter, BrunoOn emotion WH206
Gounod, CharlesOn emotion WH206
Giulini, Carlo MariaOn emotion WH206
Lope de VegaOn emotion AM, IV19
Marston, JohnOn emotion WM256
AristotleOn emotion EPP112
HindemihOn emotion, not possibleWH205
Croce, BenedettoOn emotion AM, I10ff, 46
BeethovenOn emotion PC59
CanujsOn emotion AM, I467
St. BasilOn emotion MR45
Calmeta, VincenzioOn emotion AM, III172
HesiodOn emotion NW56
Capella, MarianusOn emotion NW57