42. Is Man Ruled by Reason or Emotion?
Anyone who sets reason aside and uses only his sensitive part lives not as a man but as a beast. Dante The understanding may err, but not feelings. Robert Schum...
Anyone who sets reason aside and uses only his sensitive part lives not as a man but as a beast. Dante The understanding may err, but not feelings. Robert Schum...
It is quite regrettable that none of us now knows what constitutes Musica moralis. Johann Mattheson (1681–1764) The Greek word, “ethos,” had to do with characte...
The right molding or ruin of ingenuous manners and civil conduct lies in a well-grounded musical education. Aristoxenus (fl. 335 BC) It is true that, as Saint P...
My final conducting Tour, Italy 2017 Morbegno Orchestra di Fiati della VoltellinaConductor and host, Lorenzo della Fonte Gallo, Sinfonia PiccoloWagner, Trauermu...
How can a man tune a lute who is himself out of tune?What sense of harmony can he have who is himself full of discords? Fernando de Rojas (1477–1541) A chaste p...